10 April 2016

Mulling how to package tourism products

Abang Johari (right) browses through the coffee table book while Lo explains.
Abang Johari (right) browses through the coffee table book while Lo Khere Chiang explains.
Abang Johari (second right) speaking to representatives from the four councils on their proposal. — Photos by Chimon Upon
Abang Johari (second right) speaking to representatives from the four councils on their proposal. — 

KUCHING: The Tourism Ministry will look into holding a seminar or workshop on how to package attractions in Padawan, Serian, Bau and Lundu as tourism products.

Its minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg said it is only proper to hold such seminars following a proposal to do so from Padawan Municipal Council (MPP), Serian District Council, Bau District Council and Lundu District Council.

“The councils proposed to the ministry to include the sites of attractions in their areas as tourism products. They also would like to know what the locals there can do to participate in tourism.

“I think there is need for a seminar or workshop involving the Village Safety and Development Committee (JKKK), tourism players and airlines to discuss the expectations of tourists, and how to create the infrastructure for the attraction sites and how the people can explore opportunities to participate,” he told reporters after a courtesy visit from representatives of the councils led by MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang yesterday.

Abang Johari said he gave them a couple of examples on how the ministry had worked with some areas to promote local attractions.

“I gave them the example of Siniawan. We didn’t give them a big amount of assistance, but locals participated and now Siniawan has become a weekend attraction. We take advantage of the heritage buildings there. Those are pre-war buildings we need to preserve. Now it has become a popular spot.

“Another example is Telaga Air. Singaporeans go there for angling and local people benefit from boat rental which is about RM1,200 to RM1,500 per night.

“These are just some examples. If they want to do a whole package for their respective areas, I would rather they have a proper seminar first,” he said.

The seminar will be done after the election and even if there is any change to the Cabinet portfolio, he will ensure the matter is followed up.

Earlier during the courtesy visit, Lo presented a coffee table book titled ‘Photographic Journey to Fascinating Southern Sarawak’ on a two-year project involving the councils and UiTM Sarawak. The book will be placed in tourism centres and hotels to promote tourism in Padawan, Serian, Bau and Lundu.

He noted that the major challenge for the councils was to get people to participate in local tourism so they will benefit from it.

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