26 April 2016

Five-cornered fight in Batu Kitang

  The five candidates for Batu Kitang: Lo Khere Chiang ( yellow shirt)

Kuching: It is an unexpected five-cornered fight in new seat Batu Kitang as many had expected it to be a straight fight between  Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Lo Khere Chiang and Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) Voon Shiak Ni. 

Besides Lo and Voon to contest in the seat, the other three candidates are Democratic Action Party’s (DAP) Abdul Aziz Isa, Sulaiman Kadir (independent) and Dato’ Sri Othman bin Bojeng (independent).

Both Lo and Voon went to the nomination centre yesterday. Lo with his proposer Tan Joo Phoi and seconder Lim Lian Kee. Voon’s proposer was Narawi Palayan Miniandi and seconder Lee Tat Sin.

When Sulaiman Kadir walked in with his proposer Tenu Kipli and seconder Haron Sri, no one batted an eyelid until DAP’s  Abdul Aziz Isa walked in at about 9.05am, an unpleasant surprise to Voon. Abdul Aziz’s proposer was Ting Kee Kai and seconder Lim Pai Lin.

About half an hour later, Dato’ Sri Othman bin Bojeng came hurriedly in with his proposer Zamahari bin Kopon and seconder Jolhi bin July.        

DAP had claimed Batu Kitang to be their winnable seat due to a number of supporters being transferred there.

Aziz had earlier on stayed in a car waiting for words from his superior to go into the nomination centre once it is confirmed that PKR candidates also contested in DAP announced seats.

Aziz, who was supposed to contest in Stakan, said he was asked to fill in his forms for Batu Kitang after midnight. He said he is standing in Batu Kitang due to PKR not honouring their words in fielding of candidates.

Aged 26, the youngest of the five candidates, Aziz is a UNIMAS graduate of social science, politics and government studies. He said he was glad to be back to contest in Batu Kitang as he has been working on the ground there for the past one year.

Meanwhile, Voon, 46,  who tried to stay calm said there is more to the story and she did not want to wash dirty linen in public.

She said it is a democratic world and she was chosen by her party to stand in Batu Kitang.

“Whatever it is, I will continue to work as usual and do my best,” she added.

Lo, meanwhile,  expressed surprise that the seat is hotly contested and said he is not letting his guard down.

    “I will continue to work hard for the Batu Kitang people,” he added, saying he enjoyed his hard work and believed that he could do a lot for the people through the Barisan Nasional.

    Candidate Dato’ Sri Othman Bojeng, 59, refused to answer many questions posed by the media. He said he is pro BN and supports the Chief Minister and Prime Minister. When asked why he wanted to ‘disturb’ the BN candidate chosen by the Chief Minister, he said he is not happy with the candidate.

    Sulaiman Kadir, 46, said there is a need for change after over 50 years of independence. Claiming to be a state land activist, Sulaiman said he once worked in Land and Survey and opted for early retirement.

Voon’s proposer Narawi was cleared of any wrong doing.

Returning officer at the Padawan Municipal council, Elizabeth Law announced the names of the five candidates at about noon. 

Batu Kitang, which has 60 per cent  Chinese residents, has a total of 17,494 registered voters.

Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Tuesday 26-Apr-2016

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