11 April 2016

Lo Khere Chiang: Keep cool, rally behind president

Lo Khere Chiang: Keep cool, rally behind president

KUCHING: SUPP assistant publicity and information secretary Lo Khere Chiang wants the party’s central working committee (CWC) members to keep cool and rally behind the current leadership.

“I hope everyone can just calm down and support the leadership under Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian because politics is very complicated.

“We want to see a more united SUPP and that everyone respects his decisions. This should be the way forward,” he said when met at a function in Batu Kitang yesterday.

He said these when prompted for opinions whether the party president and secretary general ought to be blamed for SUPP not getting to contest in all its 19 state seats.

Lo, who is also Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate for Batu Kitang, said nothing was final yet while reiterating that party leaders and members should stand together.

“We stay united to make the party strong instead of doing something that would destroy the party.”

Asked if he stands with vice president Datuk Lily Yong who called for a CWC meeting to discuss the issue of ‘19 seats’, among others,  Lo said: “I cannot simply comment.

“As responsible CWC members, we need to trust Dr  Sim and his leadership.

“We will cross the bridge when we come to it.”

He added it was not up to a CWC member to decide whether to call for a meeting or not.

“I am more concerned about the overall survival of SUPP as well as the well-being of the entire Chinese community. We must not be disunited.

April 10, 2016, Sunday
Borneo Post

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