31 December 2018

Rep to work harder to show Batu Kitang constituents he is the real deal

Rep to work harder to show Batu Kitang constituents he is the real deal 

By Lian Cheng Dayak daily

KUCHING, Dec 30: Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang will work harder to defend the seat in the face of stiff competition from Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH).

He said he was fully aware of a potential candidate from PH constantly moving and working hard on the ground.

“Like any other party in any constituency, I know there is a possible contender for the seat. I just have to work harder to convince my voters that they had made the right choice,” Lo told DayakDaily yesterday.

He said in Batu Kitang, race and religion did not matter as it all boiled down to “who can deliver”. Lo was responding to the question if he felt the threat from DAP Youth leader Abdul Aziz Isa, who has been seen moving on the ground in Batu Kitang.

Lo who is a leader with Sarawak United Peoples’ Party managed to win the new seat of Batu Kitang in the Sarawak Election 2016 in a five­cornered fight. December 30, 2018 Lo Khere Chiang 12/31/2018 Rep to work harder to show Batu Kitang constituents he is the real deal.

The first­ term assemblyman polled 6,466 votes against PKR Voon Shiak Ni’s 883 votes, DAP Abdul Aziz’s 4,624 votes, Independent Othman Bojeng 54 votes and Sulaiman Kadir 61 votes.

“I will just do my part and try to help as many of my constituents as possible. As the government of the day, this is what we should do,” said Lo, who is also Padawan Municipal Council chairman.

On the many sarcastic remarks online criticising MPP, Lo replied that he was not bothered by them and took it as a positive sign “because I love my job”.

“We will reply to all and reply in all honesty. If there is a problem, there must be a reason. We have to find out what is the reason.

“I don’t mind the sarcastic remarks. When people are upset, there must be a reason to it. And it is good that they raise the issues. It means an opportunity for us to solve the problem. I will see the positive side of it.

In fact, he stressed that he welcomed all the constructive criticisms and suggestions. “We are after all human beings, and we are not perfect. It will be good that some of them are willing to share their thoughts and suggestions to solve the problems with MPP.

“We want good ideas from the public. We are actually happy to accept them through Facebook and WhatsApp,” said Lo. — DayakDaily

Council asks for funds to build underpass at Kuching Sentral

Council asks for funds to build underpass at Kuching Sentral

By Lian Cheng, DayakDaily

KUCHING, Dec 30: Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang has appealed to the federal government to allocate more funds for the building of an underpass at Kuching Sentral due to pertinent traffic woes at this junction.

“An underpass to allow vehicles to ply from Jalan Tapang from the old airport road towards the present airport is badly needed. “Presently, all vehicles have to U turn at the “T” junction traffic lights, and it is a nightmare for commuters and anguish for those who have to bear with this every day,” he told DayakDaily yesterday.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, believed that the flyovers at Mile 4, 6, 7 and 10, once completed, would serve greater Kuching better.

He hoped these flyovers along Jalan Penrissen, which formed part of the Pan Borneo highway project, would be completed by 2020 as promised by Lebuhraya Borneo Utara Sdn
Bhd (LBU) during a briefing and meeting with them to discuss ways to ease traffic jams and minimise inconveniences to traffic commuters during this critical period of construction.

“These flyovers are built to ease the traffic flows from Mile 4, Penrissen Road, all the way to Serian. They will allow a seamless drive from Kuching to Serian, minus the present traffic jams that we are experiencing now,” he told DayakDaily yesterday.

He said these four flyovers, costing around RM50 million as reported by LBU, were under the jurisdiction of MPP. The completion of these flyovers and the Pan Borneo highway would certainly bring about greater development and business opportunities to greater Kuching and further expand the city’s limits.

“Kuching is growing, and we need to extend our infrastructure all the way to Serian. Presently, the traffic jam along Penrissen Road is as bad as the Kota Samarahan highway.

“Our planning authorities, I believe, has planned ahead and prepared our infrastructure corridors to commensurate with the allowable population density to enable room for expansion and to meet future traffic demands before traffic jams go from bad to worse,” said Lo.

On projects implemented by MPP, Lo reminded all present contractors and those intending to participate in future contracts to maintain the highest credibility and efficiency because the grading of the performance of all contractors in MPP was an ongoing process.

“We value good contractors and will award them with more jobs. Similarly, we penalise contractors who don’t perform, all in accordance with the contract.”

He said it had been rewarding to note that through time, MPP had been able to cultivate a team of good contractors who are credible and deliver their job with minimal supervision. “Those who are found to totally ‘sub’ their projects will be blacklisted by MPP and will not be considered for future tenders,”  said Lo. — DayakDaily

30 December 2018


30 Dec 2018

(古晋29日讯)对于国内贸易及消费事务部副部长张健仁自掏钱包处理联邦礼仪 大道路旁的野草一事,峇都吉当区州议员罗克强认为,张健仁应向财政部长林冠 英争取除草的拨款,而不要尝试愚弄人民。

罗克强今日发文告表示,人联党一名党员拨电至服务热线,向砂公共工程局了解此事,并 被告知没获得联邦政府发放的拨款。

对于张健仁一直要求罗克强辞去巴达旺市议会主席一职,罗克强回应称,他一路以来诚心 和尽力为该管辖区人民服务,为何要辞职?

罗克强反认为,张健仁应辞去副部长的职务,因为张健仁发表砂公共工程局已超支的声 明,是误导人民。

峇都吉当区州议员罗克强:清理联邦高速大道路旁的野草,一直都是联邦政府的责任,地方议 会为何要使用砂拉越纳税人的钱来处理?

“我不解,为何每每砂拉越的联邦拨款被削减时,张健仁都会站在联邦政府的角度进行解 释,这对整个砂拉越到底有什么好处?”

罗克强促请张健仁与砂拉越子民站在一起,兑现希盟竞选宣言的承诺,即在没有任何妥协 情况下,把砂拉越资源和根据1963年大马建国契约赋予砂拉越的权益,归还给砂拉越。

星洲日报/砂拉越 · 2018.12.30

罗克强:保养费8亿减剩1亿.张健仁没讲真话 - 地方 | 星洲网

 罗克强:保养费8亿减剩1亿.张健仁没讲真话 - 地方 | 星洲网
Sin Chew Daily 12/30/2018

(古晋18日讯)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强非议国内贸易及消费事务部副部长张健仁言论有 误导人民之嫌,并指事实是大马公共工程局已委任新承包商,且保养费不足,而非如张健 仁所说的,是因需重新招标新承包商,才导致砂联邦大道的保养工作延缓。

巴达旺市议会主席罗克强带领记者巡视野草丛生的沟渠,并解释联邦大道的保养及维修工作皆 由联邦政府所负责,不在巴达旺市议会管辖范围内。

因此,罗克强要求张健仁对事情的真伪做出解释。反之,他赞赏工程部长巴鲁比安诚恳言 明,指由于资金不足,所以才导致今年11月及12月的砂拉越联邦大道,包括除草及维修沟 渠等保养工作仍未进行,导致杂草丛生。

“张健仁日前却说要重新公开招标,且他也已询问财长林冠英,被告知联邦大道的保养费并 没扣减。但这一切言论都是不实的。我亲自询问砂公共工程局,并获悉大马公共工程局已 委任新承包商即DAL-HCM有限公司,该局也透露由于缺乏资金 没有保养费),所以联邦 大道的野草至今未除。”

也是峇都吉当区州议员的罗克强,今日召开新闻发布会指出,近期巴达旺市议会一直接获 民众投诉,指该市议会怎么不除草,而让野草生长,这实在让他大感无奈。

他也解释,联邦大道的保养费是由联邦拨款,并负责保养及维修工作,而不是由巴达旺市 议会负责。但人民却不知道而责怪巴达旺市议会没做工。

他称,昨天召开内阁特别委员会会议,以探讨归还砂沙该有的权益,但讽刺的是现在砂拉 越的联邦大道保养费却没有,甚至还要减少,这成何体统?

“根据巴鲁比安的说法,2018年保养费为8亿2000万令吉,而2019年的保养费却锐减至1亿 令吉!这并不合理。”


MPP chairman urges Chong to stop misleading the public

MPP chairman urges Chong to stop misleading the public 

By Peter Sibon Dayak Daily
December 29, 2018

KUCHING, Dec 29: Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang today took a swipe at Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen for stating that cutting grass along federal roads is the responsibility of MPP.

“I despise YB Chong for misleading the public into thinking cutting grass for our federal highway is the responsibility of the council. Chong, do not make wild allegations that make you look stupid. Get your facts right,” Lo said in a statement issued here today.

“I am astonished that Chong can make such wild allegation about using his own money for grass cutting at protocol roads when he should be going to ask his boss, the Minister of Finance Lim Guan Eng, for the allocation for grass cutting. Who is he trying to fool?”

Lo, who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP)’s assistant publicity chief and Batu Kitang assemblyman, revealed that one of his party members had gone to talikhidmat (service centre) to seek clarifications from the Public Works Department (JKR) and was told that the allocation from the federal government was not in.

“I know Chong kept asking me to step down as MPP chairman. Why should I when I have served the people in MPP honestly, unlike Chong who has been misleading the public.

I believe Chong should step down as Deputy Minister (of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs) for making a misleading statement that JKR Sarawak has overspent the money.

“I ask if Chong has any interest at all for Sarawak and why he is siding Malaya to explain every issue that has cropped up when it was the federal grant that was curtailed.

It is time Chong stand with Sarawakians and demand that Sarawak’s resources and rights under MA63 be returned to Sarawak without any compromise as promised under their election manifesto,” Lo asserted.

Lo added that MPP’s assessment rate collected annually is around RM22 million, and it is used to pay salaries for its 450 staff, grass cutting in MPP areas, clearing drains, sweeping the roads and maintaining drains.

“So, why should we use Sarawak ratepayer’s money to cut grass for our federal highway? This has always been the responsibility of the federal government,” he said.

He reiterated that Sarawak contributed some RM15 billion to the federal coffer from its oil and gas resources this year alone.

“Chong has the cheek to ask Sarawakians to come up with more money to cut grass along our federal highway. Even the RM820 million provided by the federal government in previous years is barely enough to provide adequate maintenance services for our federal roads,” added Lo.

Lo was responding to complaints from members of the public about uncut grass along the Kuching­Serian Road, which has not been cut the last two months. — DayakDaily

20 December 2018

羅克強:延長任期乃其次 有效服務群眾最重要










巴市议会主席延长任期 罗克强:尚未收到通知





罗克强邀众充耳目 . 拍照拍视频捉垃圾虫 砂拉越

罗克强邀众充耳目 . 拍照拍视频捉垃圾虫 砂拉越





文章来源 :






罗克强邀众充耳目 . 拍照拍视频捉垃圾

罗克强邀众充耳目 . 拍照拍视频捉垃圾

(古晋20日讯)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强呼吁巴达旺市民,与当局携手捉“垃圾虫”,遏止 在不当地点乱丢垃圾的行为。

他今日主持该会常月会议后,召开新闻发布会表示,鉴于乱丢垃圾对环境及卫生造成极大 影响,因此罗克强呼吁居民及商家采取积极举动,向该会举报非法丢垃圾的行为。


“我们(巴达旺市议会)需要大家帮助,消除路旁、小巷、公告通道,甚至是私人地段上非 法丢弃垃圾的行为。”







19 December 2018

Lo: Our council does not maintain federal roads

Lo: Our council does not maintain federal roads 

By : NewsDesk, Sarawak Tribune

 Posted on : Wednesday, December 19, 2018

KUCHING: Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) is often blamed by the public over drainage and grass-cutting issues which are actually under the jurisdiction of the federal Department of Public Works. “We get many reports and complaints from the public about drains and grass along federalroads,” said MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang(pic), who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, during a press conference at Coffee Factory Café yesterday.

According to Lo, the Pakatan Harapan government has cut the allocation for maintaining drains and cutting grass during a discussion of the MA63 steering committee recently.

“Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad together with his federal ministries have decided to cut the sum from RM820 million this year to only RM100 million for next year,” he said.

“So how will the department maintain federal roads in the state?

Everyday, we give RM250 million in oil to the Peninsula, which is equivalent to RM15 billion a year, but is this how they repay us for our contribution?

On Sarawak Pakatan Harapan chief Chong Chieng Jen’s recent statement that they would do open tender for the maintenance, he said he had checked with the State Public Works Department and was told that the federal Public Works Department had already appointed a contractor called DAL-HCM.

“The public often complain about federal roads, and as for MPP, we have already spent RM20 million on the drains and grass cutting under our jurisdiction. I hope the public won’t say the MPP has not done its work,” he said.

18 December 2018

砂聯邦道路保養費大幅減少 羅克強嘆成何體統







巴达旺议会主席任期延长 罗克强:未收到官方信函


‘Service delivery means putting people first’

‘Service delivery means putting people first’ 

Penguang (fifth right) leads the cake-cutting ceremony. Joining him are (from right) Minos, Lo, Miro, Ranum, Henry and others.
Penguang (centre) performs the symbolic launch of the QR Code for Bau District Council’s bulletin. With him on stage are (from right) Miro, Ranum, Henry and Wong.
BAU: Local councils should migrate to a new mentality of ‘implementing what the people want’, instead of ‘implementing what the councils want’.
Assistant Minister of Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil believes that such mindset is necessary in addressing today’s challenges and also in measuring up to the people’s rising expectations.
According to him, local councils are the first level of the three-tier of governance – one that implements policies on grassroots level and is also directly involved in providing services to the people within their respective areas of jurisdiction.
“It is an undeniable fact that a local council is the government agency that is closest to the people, as it provides various municipal services such as waste management, provision and maintenance of public facilities and basic infrastructures, licensing (of local sales and services), taxation, environmental cleanliness, public health control and many others.
“Law implementation-enforcement is the most important factor. The task and responsibility of enforcing law must not be limited to just going after illegal hawkers or unlicensed premises, but also covering enforcement on development plan, environmental issues and the latest, controlling the spread of rabies in areas declared as rabies-infected,” he said during Bau District Council’s annual dinner and pre-Christmas gathering at Bau Civic Centre on Sunday.
Tasik Biru assemblyman Dato Henry Harry Jinep, Opar assemblyman Dato Ranum Mina, Serembu assemblyman Miro Simuh, Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang who is also Padawan Municipal Council chairman, and Kota Samarahan Municipal Council chairman Dato Peter Minos were among those in attendance.
On a related matter, Penguang also called upon local councils to be efficient in their financial management and strive to look for new sources of income.
He pointed out the importance for a local council to be financially independent and able to implement projects and programmes slated for the benefit of the local population.
“Now is the time for local councils to go beyond cleanliness and collection of waste; they are also to play a role in attracting domestic and foreign investments, in order to increase the revenues so as to not be dependent on state and federal governments.
“With a systematic management system, this should enable the councils to be more efficient and effective in their service deliveries,” he said.
The dinner also held the launch of the ‘QR Code’ for Bau District Council’s bulletin.
Penguang said he was confident that Bau District Council – under the leadership of council secretary Simon Wong – would continue to have strategic planning to ensure better service delivery.

羅克強:延長任期乃其次 有效服務群眾最重要

羅克強:延長任期乃其次 有效服務群眾最重要







羅克強:延長任期乃其次 有效服務群眾最重要

羅克強:延長任期乃其次 有效服務群眾最重要








How to maintain federal roads with 88 pct cut in allocation?’

How to maintain federal roads with 88 pct cut in allocation?’

By Geryl Ogilvy DayakDaily

KUCHING, Dec 18: Putrajaya should not have slashed its budget for the Public Works Department (JKR) to maintain protocol roads in Sarawak since the state’s oil resources generate about RM15 billion for the national coffer annually.

Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang expressed his dismay that only RM100 million would be allocated to the state for protocol road maintenance, including grass­cutting and drainage­cleaning, next year. The allocation for this year is RM820 million.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, said MPP had received numerous public complaints about unkempt grasses and drainages.

“The people are angry. They are accusing MPP of not doing their work. How are all the councils going to maintain these federal roads now that the budget has been cut from RM820 million to RM100 million?

“The federal government generates about RM15 billion per year from the state’s oil resources and now they slashed the budget for road maintenance. Where has all the money gone to?” he told a press conference here today.

Lo also found it ironic that the Malaysian Agreement 1963 (MA63) steering committee had its first meeting yesterday to restore Sarawak’s and Sabah’s rights as stipulated in said agreement, yet the federal government is taking away money from the local councils.

“This is why I truly agree with our chief minister (Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg) to impose a five per cent sales tax on petroleum­based products to increase the state’s revenue.

“We must support the state government. We need the political will and strength to gain back our rights and funds from the federal government,” he said.

Lo pointing at the condition of a drain at a road within MPP jurisdiction.

He also took a swipe at Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Chong Chieng Jen, who reportedly said on Dec 8 that funds were available but withheld until a fresh tender process had been carried out to flush out cronies from getting the contracts.

Lo said a company had been appointed by the federal JKR for Sarawak but questioned why the funds had not been disbursed accordingly.

He added that MPP alone needed about RM22 million per year for road maintenance, including grass­cutting and drainage­cleaning.

Meanwhile, Works Minister Baru Bian recently confirmed the RM100 million allocation for next year, which he described as “very limited and restricted”.

He added that the Finance Ministry had given its assurance that they were prepared to provide additional funds if necessary or upon request.

Due to budget constraints, Baru also confirmed that the federal government had instructed JKR to cease all maintenance works, including grass­cutting and drainage­ cleaning, along protocol roads for November and December this year. — DayakDaily

17 December 2018

全砂地方议员任期 . 再延长半年

全砂地方议员任期 . 再延长半年











文章来源 :
星洲日报/砂拉越 · 2018.12.17 

16 December 2018

Jalan Semaba folk first to benefit from MPP-Trienekens pilot recycling project

Jalan Semaba folk first to benefit from MPP-Trienekens pilot recycling project 

KUCHING: Residents along Jalan Semaba near here should be the first to benefit from a pilot project jointly run by Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) and Trienekens (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd.
The project aims to provide kerbside recycling collection service around the neighbourhood.
This means that through the trial house-to-house collection service, the residents would be able to put their household waste up for recycling with ease and at the same time, enjoy a scheduled collection service right at their doorsteps.
Speaking at the project launch yesterday Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang, who is also MPP chairman, said it has always been one of the council’s main agenda to raise better awareness of the importance of waste reduction and environmental conservation.
This project, he said, would provide the service facility for residents to have their recyclables collected from their kerbsides.
Another main goal, according to him, is to also increase the household recycling rate, which should lay the foundation for better awareness and good recycling practices at home.
“Recycling at the source will definitely be a great opportunity for all to reduce waste and divert them from going to the landfills. We hope the residents would understand the need to do waste segregation at the source, in which they would find it easier to recycle given the collection facility – over time, the practice would become their way of life,” he said.
Lo also commended the Jalan Semaba Community Association for their support and cooperation in the project, adding that the project would provide a good opportunity to gauge the community’s environmental awareness level and responsiveness towards the service.
He said should the first phase of pilot project go well, MPP would plan to branch out and include other locations as well.
“Some of the possible areas that we are looking at are RPR Batu Kawa and Bengoh Resettlement Scheme,” he said.
The six-month pilot would involve several households along Jalan Semaba area – namely those at Lorong 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Together with Trienekens, the MPP would distribute educational leaflets and special recycling stickers at these areas two weeks prior to the first day of collection.
Residents are requested to separate their household waste and pack their recyclables in used plastic bags or boxes, marked with the stickers to indicate that the contents are for collection.
Then, the packed recyclables are to be left outside their houses – ready for collection.
The residents are also advised to put their recyclables out early on their collection day, but should refrain from putting it out the day before.
The first house-to-house kerbside collection for Jalan Semaba is targeted to be carried out on Jan 3 next year.According to Trienekens Group chief executive officer Stephen Chin, Trienekens needs to look at the entire waste management system – from generating less waste, to better standardisation of the recycling system.
“At Trienekens, we are always keen to look for effective and innovative solutions for our customers and the public, going beyond the standard municipal collection services, to create a positive impact for the community and environment,” he said.
Recyclables that would be collected include household e-waste, aluminium, plastic, steel, paper and cardboards.
On the other hand, regular household waste being disposed of into the standard green bins would continue to be collected twice-weekly, according to the housing estates’ regular schedule.

Lo (standing front, 10th left) joins MPP personnel and Jalan Semaba residents in a photo-call after launching the MPP-Trienekens ‘Kerbside Recycling Collection Pilot Project’.

12 December 2018

羅克強認錯後不甘示弱 投訴楊薇諱AMOK字眼

羅克強認錯後不甘示弱 投訴楊薇諱AMOK字眼

杨薇讳翻阅当日会议记录后也随即反驳称,会议记录内记载着“国阵在第十四届全国选举败选后,GPS表现amok”,而GPS是一个还未正式注册为合法的政党或团体,是非法的,所以GPS也可以使“guna pun salah”。



在持续和议长拿督阿玛阿斯菲雅纠结于”amok”字眼的同时,杨薇讳也承认有关字眼意思带“gila-gila”的意思,不过她也坚决没有针对任何人,只是指GPS(guna pun salah)。

有鉴于此,议长唯有交给议员们决定是否将对”amok”字眼提出动议,杨薇讳也随后补上一句,这只是小事情(small matter)。