17 April 2016

Kwong Wai Siew Top Students Prize Giving Ceremony

Kwong Wai Siew Top Students Prize Giving Ceremony.

Location: Kwong Wai Siew Association 
Jalan Ang Cheng Ho, Kuching
17/ April 2016

Today is a day of celebration!  

You all are being celebrated for the excellence of your performance in your academics. Many of you have made this day possible, through persistence and hard work, through external or internal motivation,through your hard work on studies and I commend you all for it.

I want to take the next moment to tell you four things, that I hope you’ll consider as you continue your education journey.
One: You have to be persistent! We don’t call it bad when you make mistakes. We learn from mistakes!
Two: Find your mentors! Your parents were your first mentors, and after that maybe others in your family. And then maybe along came a teacher or two, who helped you along to the next step. Keep finding those mentors, at the school, in your community , and in your personal life — those who will help show you the way. They are also key to your success.
Three: Be Happy! There are several kinds of activities that make people the happiest, and they probably come as no surprise to you: 1) being involved in personal growth – that’s why you are going through education in different phrases ,it's a personal growth! 2) community – friends, family, a sense of belonging, 3) helping others, and 4) being in flow with what you are doing.
Four: Which is find and follow your passions – you probably have more than one – and those things for which you have intrinsic – internal – motivation … and basically what I want to say is this: Never Let That Passion Go!
I would like to Thank Kwong Wai Siew Association on this initiation and for giving these students the chance for awards. 
For all the students: So be you! Even be different! Have your priorities straight, and the rest of your life will follow that trajectory.
I wish you all the best wherever you and life take you.
Grateful & Regards, 
Lo Khere Chiang

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