24 April 2016

Dr Sim: We need Chinese representation in government

KUCHING: SUPP-BN candidate for Batu Kawah, Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian called on the people to ponder long and hard on whether they want to miss out on Chinese representation in the State government.

Dr Sim who is also president of Sarawak United People’s party (SUPP) said it was vital for Sarawak to have a fair and balanced State government.

He added that the opposition always wanted to deny the BN of a two-third majority.

“So why is it that it has to be the 16 Chinese-majority seats to lose out? Without Chinese BN representatives in the State Legislative Assembly, we lose out on a lot of things like in the policy-making process. We should not let the Chinese community be compromised,” he said.

Dr Sim added that although SUPP is a multi-racial party there is a serious lack of Chinese representation in the State government. “SUPP wants to play a meaningful role in the State Legislative Assembly and we want our voters’ voices to be heard loud and clear. “However, we can only do so when we have the mandate of the people for us to protect the interests of all communities. We want to ensure that no one is being left behind.

“Sarawak is the first state in the country to recognise the UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) and this shows that with a strong State government we can fight for what we want.

“Hence, we must fully support our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Haji Adenan Satem as he has laid down the foundation for policies which are friendly and beneficial to the Chinese community.

“The seat allocation process has been a traumatic and difficult time but at the moment everyone must concentrate on ensuring that BN wins all the 82 seats,” he said.

Dr Sim also urged the party members and supporters to remain calm and united during the coming state election.

“It is important to have a balanced government where all communities are represented. Nothing else is an option for now but for everyone to work together. Our mission now is to make sure that we have meaningful Chinese representation in the State government after the election.

“When SUPP is in the government, we will be able to work towards bringing economic progress and more infrastructure development to the people and our community,” he added.

On opposition leaders who have been denied entry to Sarawak, Dr Sim pointed out that under the Malaysia Agreement 1963, immigration autonomy is one of the most important conditions.

“Sarawak does not deny entry to only opposition leaders but to those who come and disturb the peace and harmony of our society, regardless of party affiliation including UMNO. To those people who are claiming that we are abusing our rights to win election that is illogical because we all know it will not guarantee anybody’s victory.” Dr Sim said.

Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Sunday 24-Apr-2016

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