15 April 2016

SUPP-BN Batu Kitang Candidate Lo Khere Chiang helps OKU to apply for aid


KUCHING: SUPP-BN candidate for Batu Kitang, Lo Khere Chiang helped to apply for aid under OKU (person with disabilities) scheme for 63-year-old, Singet Ak Gown during a visit to his house yesterday.

Singet, a resident of Kampung Semeba is blind and mentally challenged and lives with his brother and family.

His sister-in-law, Anot Anak Mejui is the bread winner of the family.

She is a housewife earning very little by selling crops she planted but due to the recent rainy season, she has difficulty in making ends meet.

She expressed her gratitude to Lo for his willingness to help them in their application.

By : NewsDesk Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Friday 15-Apr-2016

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