19 April 2016

Busy weekend for Lo

KUCHING:  Chairman of Padawan Municipal council (MPP), Lo Khere Chiang who is also Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) candidate for Batu Kitang in the coming state election attended a few functions to meet the people in the constituency last weekend.

 Last Sunday morning, Lo officiated at the closing ceremony and presentation of certificates of the “Knowledge sharing: Ferro-Cement” programme held at MPP’s Pitcher Plant Garden in Kota Padawan.

 From there Lo Khere Chiang proceeded to meet members of PBB Women’s Wing of Kpg Batu Kitang Lama Branch at a gathering in a house of a member.

 There he shared with the women on the current situations in MPP areas and problems faced by women in the area. 

Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Tuesday 19-Apr-2016

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