27 April 2016

Plea to voters to ‘Give SUPP A Chance’

KUCHING: Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) is turning a new leaf by launching a team to fight in the coming state election in order to restore the party’s political strength and becoming a formidable Barisan Nasional (BN) component party.

The new generation of SUPP leaders comprises professionals, experienced and young leaders who dare to speak and stand up for the people.

The candidates fielded by SUPP areyoung professionals, experienced administrators and full time politicians.

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) had previously urged the voters to give them a chance and the voters responded to its appeal in 2006.

The voters gave DAP an overwhelming support in the 2011 state election when SUPP won only 6 out of the 19 seats it contested, with only two Chinese-majority seats.

The reasons SUPP is making the ‘give SUPP a chance’ call to voters in the coming state election are:

1.The opposition party did not deliver any benefit as well as improve the living standard of the voters in the past 10 years (some are 5 years). The voters had given the opportunity to the opposition party but they could not deliver their commitments.

2.The voters should now give the opportunities to SUPP instead for achange as the opposition party could not keep their promises.

3.SUPP should be given an opportunity to prove that the new leaders and candidates can serve the people.

4.The candidates fielded by SUPP included three young lawyers, two businessmen, two incumbent assistant ministers, engineers, other professionals and full time politicians. They have beenserving the people, resolvinglivelihood issues, roads improvement and others in the pasttwo to four years.

5.The 13 SUPP candidates have proved to the people that they have the abilities to serve the people. In that case, SUPP urges voters tosupport and elect them as state assemblymen to serve their respective constituencies full time.

6. Giving opportunities to the 13 SUPP candidates will bring tangible benefits. So, why not give SUPP candidates a try?

7. The voters can change the elected SUPP candidates if they do not deliver any tangible benefits after five years.

SUPP believes that its13 candidates will not let the voters down once they got elected in the state election. Although SUPP did not do well in thelast state elections, SUPP is now different as there are many young and promising leaders and candidates who are people-oriented, reliable and daring. The candidates will keep their promises and deliver tangible benefits to the people if the voters give them the chance.

Hence, SUPP calls on all voters to givethe party a chance in the coming state election.
(From left) Tonia Kon, Adam Yii, Wilfred Yap and Sih Hua Tong.

Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Wednesday 27-Apr-2016

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