18 April 2016

Adenan: All 82 candidates revealed, team united against opposition

Adenan (seated, centre) making the announcement at the press conference.
Adenan (seated, second right) making the announcement at the press conference.
KUCHING: The list of candidates from Barisan Nasional in the 82 seats is now complete following the announcement of the last three candidates.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem told a packed press conference at 3.45pm today that Dato Henry Harry Jinep has been chosen from SPDP to stand in Tasik Biru, Datu Pengguang Manggil from SPDP in Marudi and Ding Kuong Hiing from SUPP in Meradong.

“The last 3 have been resolved. We enter the election as a united team – Team Adenan. We have resolved our differences.

“We now turn our guard against the opposition instead of each other,” he said.

To a question, he said it took him only now to decide on these seats due to strong contention among the aspiring candidates.

He also announced that all 82 candidates have received their authorisation letters to use the ‘dacing symbol’ and have also signed pledges of loyalty.

From these 82 seats, PBB will contest in 40 seats, PRS in 11, SUPP in 13 and SPDP in five.
There are also 13 direct BN candidates, of which seven are formerly from UPP and three formerly from Teras.

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