25 April 2016

My Pledge Summary for N13 Batu Kitang

I have always believed in equal justice for all, regardless of race or religion.  I want to lift the plights of the rural people to be on par with the city ones for Batu Kitang folks. I am ready to fight for opportunities for the less fortunate, upgrade the standard of living in Padawan and to support the fight for autonomy rights that rightfully belonged to us for our future generations.  I want to see Batu Kitang progress and grow economically, politically and culturally for the betterment of everyone.

My goals and plans:
Having a better quality of life is very important for both the urban and rural folks. I want to see better infrastructure, water and electricity services in rural areas besides a better public transport so that rural folks do not have to rely on expensive transportation. This would also ease traffic jam.

Flood Mitigation is one important aspect in Batu Kitang areas. Year after year, people in low lying areas live in fear of the next rainy season. From young till now, I have seen that the flood problem has never been solved satisfactorily. I want to ensure efficient drains are constructed in existing estates. Having a strong engineering background, I am ready to lead a Task Force Team with the assistance of relevant agencies like Drainage Irrigation Department (DID), Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB)  JKR, Land and Survey department and the local councils to do an intensive study and how best to deal with the problem once and for all. I need collective efforts as Padawan Council cannot do it alone.

Medical Equality service plays an important part in our daily lives. I would want to see that the poorer population could have equal opportunity for medical treatment through a government health service scheme. This need to materialise and cater to the needs of the growing population in Batu Kitang .The poorer society must be able to get the best medical care without having to worry about expensive healthcare.

Security matters; solving the social issues surrounding which leads to crimes are the core to begin with. By having the young start from being equipped with knowledge on the harmfulness of drugs and getting the parents to be involved in these programs helps drastically. I have plans to organise constituency programs to educate the public on drugs are one of the impactful method, starting from the grassroots in Batu Kitang, we have to organise programs to promote Youth sports participation, promote healthy development in children, educating them through sports  with values and discipline and most importantly to deter them from the bad influence of drugs. With this direction, we can bring down crime rates naturally.

Tourism can bring forth better income to a country. Batu Kitang areas are blessed with natural greens and I have identified many potential tourist spots that could be upgraded and progress not only to help the Tourist industry but also to bring income to rural folks. Batu Kitang need to promote the diversity of the tourism offers in this radius, including our Dayak’s multi-cultural types of stays, gastronomy, cultures and the many cultural products. Most importantly, it helps our locals vastly in terms of employability and income. This proposed tourism employment and spend figures paint a really clear picture of how the tourism economy benefits anyone involved in the area, and are incredibly useful in helping Sarawakians and local state government politicians and decisionmakers the value of our tourism economy. 

Education is the key to a better life for families. I want to ensure every child in the family is educated and more funds to be pumped into schools especially the private Chinese schools.
I have a family myself so I can related to the people in Batu Kitang on the importance of bringing up children in a more conducive environment. The more urban people in Batu Kitang needs what most city living families needs – a comfortable place to live, safe from crime, a place where their young can get good education, and most important of all, a representative in the Dewan who sincerely has the people’s interest at heart.

In order to fulfill the above plans, I humbly seek the residents of Batu Kitang to give me a chance to represent you all when the Dewan sits on the coming state election. Together, we can prove to Sarawak that we can do it with your vote for me. 

For these, I humbly and sincerely urged the Residents of Batu Kitang to vote me, Lo Khere Chiang, into the State Assembly. 

Anak Sarawak, Sarawak's Future!

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