14 January 2017

Padawan police all out to make presence felt

KUCHING: The Padawan police will continue to maintain their presence in all places to bring down the crime index under their jurisdiction.

Its chief Supt Aidil Bolhassan said police officers including members of Amanita (Women peacekeepers) would be making their rounds at markets and commercial centres to distribute brochures on public safety and raise awareness on the many types of crimes.

According to him, it was vital for the general public to be aware that police officers, besides those from the Mobile Police Vehicles (MPV) units, were actually on the ground most of the time to conduct patrols in areas which were deemed to be crime hotspots.

“Today (yesterday) we have 25 police personnel and officers on 12 motorcycles and three MPVs on patrol,” he told reporters when met at their first beat location in Sungai Maong Bazaar.

After Sungai Maong, they continued the patrol to Emart Batu Kawa and Telaga Ai.

Besides making their presence felt in these areas, police officers took the opportunity to introduce themselves to the shopkeepers, traders and the general public.

This, he added, would further improve the public’s perception towards the police in safeguarding their safety.

He also said that in Kota Sentosa and Batu Kawa, among the highest contributors to the crime index there were house break-ins and vehicle thefts.

Meanwhile, crime cases under the Padawan police have dropped from 907 cases in 2015 to 900 cases in 2016.
In 2016, 29 cases related to illegal gambling (fish machines) were recorded in the Padawan area. One of the cases was slapped with a fine of RM8,000.

“We will monitor this (illegal gambling) from time-to-time. Currently, the situation is still under control,” said Aidil, adding that they were working closely with Padawan Municipal Council to eradicate illegal gambling activities in the jurisdiction.

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