27 June 2016

Lo: Promote Gawai Dayak as a tourism product

Lo Khere Chiang (3rd right) and others at the closing ceremony last Saturday.

KUCHING: State Assemblyman for Batu Kitang Lo Khere Chiang on Saturday urged organisers of Gawai Dayak to sell the celebration as a tourism product bringing it to the attention of the world.

Speaking at the closing of Gawai Dayak at Kampung Tematu on Saturday night, Lo pointed out the Gawai celebration is rich in culture and could not be found anywhere else in the world.

He said the organisers could contact the hotels and invited tourists to celebrate Gawai with them for a fee which could be used to help the villages for various activities.

Lo suggested that before the celebration next year, they could approach the hotels and made arrangement for tourists to view for themselves the rich culture they had.

“It will be a memorable time for the tourists and can put Padawan on the map of tourism,” he added.

Lo also urged the young Dayaks to pursue their dreams by working hard.

He said the Dayak community had contributed a lot to Sarawak as there are now doctors, engineers, architects besides other professionals from the community.

There were cultural dances and a beauty pagent held during the night.

By : Connie Chieng
Sarawak Tribune
Date Posted : Monday 27-Jun-2016

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