17 June 2024

Amalan suka bantu-mambantu di Sarawak harus diteruskan: Lo

Amalan suka bantu-mambantu di Sarawak harus diteruskan: Lo

Lo (tengah) menyampaikan sumbangan kepada salah seorang penerima daging korban sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha hari ini.
Lo (tengah) menyampaikan sumbangan kepada salah seorang penerima daging korban sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha hari ini.

BAU: Sarawak sudah lama membudayakan amalan suka bantu-mambantu dan harus diteruskan sebagai teladan generasi seterusnya kata Dato Lo Khere Chiang hari ini.

Beliau yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Batu Kitang berkata demikian kepada pemberita sambil menambah bahawa bantuan yang diberikan itu datangnya daripada masyarakat yang majmuk.

"Saya perhatikan di kawasan saya apabila ada orang yang mengalami masalah, seperti rumah terbakar, apabila seseorang masuk hospital, orang kampung akan datang untuk membantu.

"Mereka yang lebih berkemampuan akan memberi lebih, mereka yang kurang berkemampuan akan memberi lebih sedikit dan semua orang berkumpul dan itu menjadikan hidup lebih mudah bagi orang yang berada dalam kesusahan.

"Semua orang turun membantu untuk masyarakat di kampung Bidayuh, juga kampung bagi masyarakat Iban atau kawasan yang didiami masyarakat Cina," katanya semasa pengagihan daging korban di Masjid Darul Ehsan di sini.

Agihan daging korban untuk golongan yang memerlukan itu diadakan sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha dan dihadiri penduduk dari Kampung Haji Baki A, B dan C.

Tambah beliau bantuan yang dihulurkan turut diberi sokongan daripada pihak kerajaan negeri yang tidak pernah lekang membantu golongan yang sangat memerlukan di sini. 

Lo juga telah mengagihkan sekitar 10 ekor lembu kepada tujuh kampung yang melakukan ibadah korban dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Batu Kitang.

Menyentuh mengenai tradisi menjalankan ibadah korban di sini, beliau katanya amat menyukai budaya masyarakat yang beragama Islam kerana agihan daging tersebut nanti akan diberikan kepada golongan yang kurang bernasib baik.

Beliau juga gembira kerana ada pihak yang turut menyumbang bagi tujuan ibadah korban tersebut menjadikan ia lima ekor lembu untuk dikorbankan bagi kampung berkenaan pada tahun ini.


Keep supporting each other, rep tells Batu Kitang folk

Keep supporting each other, rep tells Batu Kitang folk

Lo speaks to reporters at Darul Ehsan Mosque in Kampung Haji Baki in Kuching.

KUCHING (June 17): Batu Kitang assemblyman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang hopes that the people in his constituency will keep supporting each other, especially those in greatest need.

Lo said the practice of helping each other out is something valuable in Sarawak and should be perpetuated.

“Like in Kampung Haji Baki, whenever we find out someone is in need, like their house got burned down, we decide to help them rebuild their house.

“Those who are fortunate enough, they will help those who are less fortunate and it makes the process so much easier,” said Lo.

Lo said this when met by reporters during the sacrificial meat distribution at Darul Ehsan Mosque in Kampung Haji Baki here in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration today.

He also expressed his hope that Sarawakians will continue to nurture the practice of taking care of one another.

Regarding the event, Lo said that the practice has been an annual tradition, passed down through generations.

“I have donated two cows for Kampung Haji Baki and a total of eight cows for the other six villages under my constituency.

“And after the sacrifice, we will distribute the meat to all the people in the village as well,” he said.











16 June 2024

S’wak seeking recognition on MA63, not challenging federal govt, says Batu Kitang rep

S’wak seeking recognition on MA63, not challenging federal govt, says Batu Kitang rep

Lo said said Malaysia was formed following the merger of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak on Sept 16, 1963.

KUCHING (June 16): Batu Kitang assemblyman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang expressed disappointment with Pasir Gudang MP Hasaan Abdul Karim, who claimed that Sarawak is challenging the federal government.

“We are not. I support my Sarawakian colleagues, Datuk Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali and Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman, who have clearly explained that we are not challenging the federal government; rather we are kindly asking that the federal government recognise, respect and give us back what has been denied to us all these years,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Lo recalled that Pakatan Harapan leaders, during the Sarawak state election in 2016, stated clearly before the election that the existence of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) must be respected and recognised.

“It has only been nine years since and Hassan from the Peninsular, like his counterparts from the federal government has failed to recognise all these which are stated under MA63. He has also conveniently forgotten to mention that MA63, as an international treaty signed at the United Nations, cannot be erased nor amended,” he said.

Lo reminded Malaysians in the Peninsular that “Sarawak has the oldest legislature in Malaysia and it was established in 1867 headed by Rajah Charles Brooke.”

According to him, the first oil well discovered in Sarawak was already producing 83 barrels of oil a day in 1910.

He said Dubai, one of the richest oil producing countries in the world, only discovered and started producing oil in 1966.

He said Malaysia was formed following the merger of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak on Sept 16, 1963.

“The Sarawak Land Code has its beginnings as far back as 1841. This law came into force in 1958 and is recognised in the federal constitution as pointed out by our law minister Sharifah Hasidah in a press statement a few days ago.

“Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia said the reason why Sarawak should form Malaysia with Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and the federated states of Malaya was because everything that we can see in West Malaysia, Sarawak will have as well but it was not to be 60 years down the road,” he said.

Lo pointed out that over the last 60 years, the revenue plundered from Sarawak had been used to develop Peninsular Malaysia, thus leaving the two Borneo states far behind in terms of development although together, Sabah and Sarawak contribute 60 per cent of the country’s oil and gas.

He stressed both states had pumped billions of ringgit over the past 63 years into the country’s coffers but today a long drawn out feasibility study is still ongoing when Sarawak asked the federal government to consider building the one and only railway line as an affordable means of public transportation in the state.

Peninsular Malaysians have been enjoying railway lines running up and down their coasts for decades with more being built every year, he said.

“An agreement signed by all parties at the United Nations is meant to be kept and the population in Sarawak is now far from naive. Our younger generations are beginning to ask why we can’t have this or that as stated in MA63.

“This is to their credit because it shows they are reading, thinking, asking good questions and are aware of what is happening around them. We owe it to our youngsters to present facts and the undiluted truth about PDA74 (Petroleum Development Act 1974) and TSA2012 (Territorial Sea Act 2012) and the important role MA63 plays in the history of our country and of Sarawak,” he added.

Lo said if a self-professed teacher in Peninsular Malaysia could spread falsehoods that the Chief Minister at the time, Tunku Abdul Rahman Yakub, was the chief proposer of giving the federal government 95 per cent of the state’s oil revenues, it was high time that all of Malaysia learn the truth about how the PDA came about.

He added: “All Anak Sarawak should also be told the truth about the Territorial Sea Act 2012 and how Sarawak’s rights have been violated by constitutional amendments without our say in it. If our youngsters today are not educated about all these, who will continue our fight for Sarawak’s rights long after we are gone?”


15 June 2024

罗克强:砂并没挑战联邦政府 而是恳请尊重归还权益






他也提醒,砂拉越拥有马来西亚最早的立法机构,它成立于1867年,由拉惹查尔斯布洛克领导。 砂拉越发现的第一口油井,在1910年已经做到每天生产83桶石油。相比之下,当今世界上最富有的石油生产国之一的迪拜,是在1966年才发现并开始生产石油。

罗克强今日通过文告指出,马来西亚联邦是在马来亚联邦、新加坡、北婆罗洲(沙巴)和砂拉越于1963年9月16日共同组成。马来西亚的诞生日是 1963年9月16日,而不是1957年8月31日,后者实际上只是马来亚的独立日。




“如果一个自称是老师的人或西马来西亚的毒笔作家可以散布谎言,说当时的砂拉越首席部长 Tunku Abdul Rahman Yakub 是将 95% 的石油收入交给联邦政府的主要提议者,我认为现在是马来西亚所有人了解《石油发展法案 74》是如何产生的真相的时候了。所有砂拉越子民也应该被告知 2012 年《领海法》的真相,以及砂拉越的权利如何因宪法修正案而遭到侵犯,而我们在过去对此却不吭声。如果我们今天的年轻人没有接受这些教育,那么在我们离开后,谁会继续为砂拉越的权利而斗争?”

Lo selar kenyataan Hassan dakwa Sarawak cabar kerajaan persekutuan

Lo selar kenyataan Hassan dakwa Sarawak cabar kerajaan persekutuan


KUCHING: Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Batu Kitang Dato Lo Khere Chiang (gambar) menyelar kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Pasir Gudang Hassan Abdul Karim yang mendakwa Sarawak mencabar kerajaan persekutuan.

Beliau menyuarakan kekecewaannya itu menerusi kenyataan menerusi aplikasi kumpulan WhatsApp hari ini dan menyatakan sekeras-kerasnya bahawa dakwaan itu sama sekali tidak benar.

"Saya menyokong rakan-rakan Sarawak saya, YB Hasidah dan YB Fazarudin yang telah menjelaskan dengan jelas bahawa kita tidak mencabar kerajaan persekutuan.

"Sebaliknya kami memohon agar kerajaan persekutuan mengiktiraf, menghormati dan mengembalikan hak yang selama ini tidak diberikan kepada Sarawak di dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63)," katanya.

Menurutnya lagi, MA63 merupakan sebuah perjanjian antarabangsa yang ditandatangani di Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan ia tidak boleh dipadam atau dipinda.

"Saya dengan rendah hati ingin mengingatkan rakyat Malaysia di Semenanjung bahawa Sarawak mempunyai badan perundangan tertua di Malaysia.

"Ia telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1867 yang diketuai oleh Rajah Charles Brooke. 

"Sejak 60 tahun lalu, hasil yang diambil dari Sarawak telah digunakan untuk membangunkan Semenanjung Malaysia. sekali gus meninggalkan kedua-dua negeri di Borneo jauh ketinggalan dari segi pembangunan," katanya.

Lo berkata, Sabah dan Sarawak bersama-sama menyumbang 60 peratus daripada minyak dan gas Malaysia dan mengepam berbilion ringgit sejak 63 tahun lalu ke dalam tabung negara.

Generasi muda Sarawak juga katanya, sudah mula bertanya soalan seperti, 'Mengapa kita tidak boleh memiliki itu dan ini seperti yang dinyatakan dalam MA63?'

"Kami (kerajaan Sarawak) bertanggungjawab kepada anak-anak muda kami untuk membentangkan fakta dan kebenaran tentang PDA74 dan TSA2012 serta peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh MA63 dalam sejarah negara kita dan Sarawak," tegasnya.


Overwhelming response to PPR Landeh Rahmah Sale

Overwhelming response to PPR Landeh Rahmah Sale programme

The ambience at PPR Landeh for the Rahmah Sale programm

PADAWAN: Response to the Rahmah Sale programme at PPR Landeh was overwhelmingly positive, with approximately 10,000 residents from the surrounding area queuing up to seize the opportunity.

PADAWAN: Response to the Rahmah Sale programme at PPR Landeh was overwhelmingly positive, with approximately 10,000 residents from the surrounding area queuing up to seize the opportunity.

Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang said this was the fourth of such programme held in his constituency.

He assured that he would continue to extend this initiative to all areas so that it could benefit all needy groups from various ethnic backgrounds.

“People in need often lack transportation to buy essentials. Bringing the supermarket here makes it more accessible for them, and the prices offered are very affordable.

“I hope to expand this programme further. I will visit various locations across the Batu Kitang constituency, serving Malay, Chinese, Iban, Bidayuh, and other communities, all of whom include the B40 group.

Lo (4th left) and local community leaders pose for a photo with the available essentials available during the event.

“This programme aims to assist them,” he told reporters during the event at PPR Landeh Community Hall today.

The Rahmah Sale began at 8 am and ended at 1 pm, offering discounted prices on essentials like eggs, cooking oil, milk, and more, supplied by Central Coldstorage Kuching Sdn Bhd.

Lo stressed that the programme, organised by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN), cannot be held consecutively in his area alone.

However, he assured that he would communicate with the ministry to extend the programme to cover his entire jurisdiction.

He hoped it would continue to support people, especially those in the B40 group.


14 June 2024

Overwhelming response to PPR Landeh Rahmah Sale

Overwhelming response to PPR Landeh Rahmah Sale programme

The ambience at PPR Landeh for the Rahmah Sale programme.

PADAWAN: Response to the Rahmah Sale programme at PPR Landeh was overwhelmingly positive, with approximately 10,000 residents from the surrounding area queuing up to seize the opportunity.

Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang said this was the fourth of such programme held in his constituency.

He assured that he would continue to extend this initiative to all areas so that it could benefit all needy groups from various ethnic backgrounds.

“People in need often lack transportation to buy essentials. Bringing the supermarket here makes it more accessible for them, and the prices offered are very affordable.

“I hope to expand this programme further. I will visit various locations across the Batu Kitang constituency, serving Malay, Chinese, Iban, Bidayuh, and other communities, all of whom include the B40 group.

Lo (4th left) and local community leaders pose for a photo with the available essentials available during the event.

“This programme aims to assist them,” he told reporters during the event at PPR Landeh Community Hall today.

The Rahmah Sale began at 8 am and ended at 1 pm, offering discounted prices on essentials like eggs, cooking oil, milk, and more, supplied by Central Coldstorage Kuching Sdn Bhd.

Lo stressed that the programme, organised by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN), cannot be held consecutively in his area alone.

However, he assured that he would communicate with the ministry to extend the programme to cover his entire jurisdiction.

He hoped it would continue to support people, especially those in the B40 group.
