23 January 2014

New Councillors fro Padawan

Padawan Chairman Lo Khere Chiang.

Chairman of Padawan, Lo Khere Chiang, thanked SUPP leaders for recommending his name to continue in the council for the second term.

Lo said he would work hard to ensure that the best service is given to the people in the Padawan area. Stating that he has always worked well with other component parties in the council,

Lo said he would continue as by doing so, they could give the maximum service to the people. SUPP Youth Chairman, Tan Kai who is in his 5th year as a councillor thanked the party leadership for giving him another chance to work for the people.

He however, expressed his disappointment that there were some councillors from SUPP who had been dropped.

He said they had worked well with him. However, he urged those whose names had been dropped not to give up but to continue to serve the people through SUPP.

Wilfred Yap, who is nominated the first time as councillor, said he is grateful to be given a platform to work. He said he prefers to work to prove his worth and not to say too much as action speaks louder than words. 

January 22, 2014

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