21 October 2022

‘Why no effort to repair dilapidated schools in Batu Kitang?’ Lo asks Education Ministry

‘Why no effort to repair dilapidated schools in Batu Kitang?’ Lo asks Education Ministry

Lo shows pictures of some of the dilapidated school facilities in Batu Kitang constituency.

KUCHING (Oct 21): Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang today questioned the federal Education Ministry (MoE) for not taking any effort to repair dilapidated school facilities in his constituency.

He said repeated requests were made by the affected schools to MoE through the Education Department to carry out repairs on their roads, drains, septic tanks and football field, among others, but the requests fell on deaf ears.

“I  feel very disappointed because there were cases in some of the government schools in Batu Kitang where roads, drains and septic tanks were damaged and sunk or the football field was soggy.

“Requests to repair them were made but the Education Department is not making any effort to repair them. Given the schools are already over 20 years old, we expected the MoE through the Education Department to improve the facilities but I am disappointed as nothing has been done,” he told a press conference at Mile 7 here today.

Lo said if schools in Batu Kitang, which is considered an urban area, are in such a sorry state, the situation in rural and remote areas must be even worse.

“If in the urban areas you can have schools operating under these kinds of conditions, I cannot imagine how bad the condition of other schools in rural areas are,” he lamented.

He said there were six primary and secondary government schools in his constituency in need of such repairs but could not disclose them as the headmasters could be victimised.

Lo said if the federal government does not want to take care of schools in Sarawak, it should return autonomy on education back to the state.

“By saying this, I mean all funds for education in Sarawak including teachers’ salaries should be given to Sarawak.

“Give us back our money you collected and allocated for us and let us do it ourselves. I believe we can do a better job,” he said.


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