GE15: Batu Kitang rep urges GPS to give chance to winnable young candidates
Lo Khere Chiang
KUCHING (Oct 29): It is preferable for Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to give chance to the new young candidates in the coming 15th general election (GE15) who are capable of winning, said Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang.
“We have to bring up new leaders, but we must win the election.
“Places where the candidates can win, we prefer to have young capable candidates.
“As leaders, it is our job to train these people up, but if we cannot or don’t have a strong contender to go out and compete, then we might have to use the ADUNs (assemblymen).
“I think that is why our Premier has said that there may be one or two (ADUNs) to be fielded as candidates.
“Dr Sim Kui Hian can be one. I think he’s the best candidate to go out and win this election.
“But don’t ask me to speculate. No speculation,” he told reporters when met after the handing-over of Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) contract for a recreational park project at Sunny Hill Garden yesterday.
Lo, also Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman, was asked to comment on what Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg had said earlier about the seven seats that Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) would be contesting, of which three might be fielded with new faces.
On whether he would contest if given the opportunity to stand in the general election, Lo said he would.
“Of course – how can I say no? If given the opportunity, of course I would say yes.
“The GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) and SUPP have been working since six years ago, on the ground every day and every night,” he said.
Asked further how confident he was in wresting the seat back from Opposition, he replied: “Very confident. We can get this Stampin seat back. There is no reason why we cannot.
“We have to win, and we can win Stampin because there is no other party that will take care of Sarawak except for GPS.”
KUCHING: Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang is ready to stand in the 15th general election (GE15) if he is given the opportunity.
He said he was confident to wrest the Stampin parliamentary seat from the opposition and deliver it to Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).
“Of course, how can I say no? If I’m given the opportunity, of course, I’ll say yes,” he told reporters when asked if he would contest if he was given a chance to stand in the general election.
When asked further how confident he is in winning the seat, which was held by the opposition, he said, “Very confident. we can get this Stampin back. There was no reason why we couldn’t”.
“We have to win, and we can win Stampin. Because there is no other party that will take care of Sarawak unless it is Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS),” he said.
Lo, who is also the Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman told reporters before witnessing the handover of the park upgrading contract from MPP to the implementing contractor at Lorong Batu Kawah 1C3, Sunny Hill Park here on Friday (Oct 28).
Earlier, Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said out of the seven seats that Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) is contesting, three of seats might be fielded with new faces.
“As for the Serian seat, it will remain. And maybe one or two of the (SUPP) candidates who hold a state seat, will be the candidate but will for the first time contest in the GE15,” said Abang Johari.
Lo also echoed the Premier’s remarks that younger candidates should be fielded in the general election.
“if we can promote new people. That’s the best. New people mean strong candidates, and strong candidates can win the election.
“We are building up potential young people that will be able to lead this country. So we have to build up stronger, capable young leaders in our midst, so that they will be able to take over, and the Premier has led the direction,” he said.
He added seats that could be won in the general election were better to be fielded with young and capable candidates.
“But if we cannot or don’t have a strong contender to go out and compete, then we might have to use ADUNs (state elected representatives).
“I think that is why our Premier said there may be one or two (ADUNs) to be fielded as candidates. So anybody can be, Dr Sim Kui Hian can be. I think he’s the best candidate to go out and win this election. But don’t ask me to speculate. No speculation,” he said.
On another note, Lo also said it loud and clear that in this coming general election, Sarawak will compete under GPS.
“Sarawak will go in under GPS led by Abang Johari. This has nothing to do with the Semenanjung-based parties – UNMO, PKR, AMANAH, PAS, DAP BERSATU. Nothing.
“We are going to win a majority together with Sabah – 54 seats, and we’re going to make a difference in Parliament,” he stressed.
“Whoever is right, GPS support, whoever is wrong, then sorry. Because, GPS will go in as a kingmaker to represent the interests of not only Sarawakians but Malaysians.
“Whoever takes care of Sarawak, whoever acknowledges and respects the (agreement) stated in Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). We will (give our) support. That is our stand and the stand of all Sarawak,” he said.
Sunny Hill Garden’s recreational park to get much-needed facelift
Lo (third right) witnessing the handing over of a Rural Transformation Programme contract between MPP engineer Hartini Ahmad (2nd left) and contractor for a recreational park at Sunny Hill Garden.
By Nancy Nais
KUCHING, Oct 28: The recreational park at Lorong Batu Kawa 1C3 Sunny Hill Garden will be given a facelift for its residents.
Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang hoped that with the new facelift, the park will attract more residents to visit it not just to exercise but also to relax and socialise.
“The park will have new footpaths for people to jog, six cement benches, 14 solar lamps, three new gym sets, an upgraded gazebo, rubber tile flooring as well as upgraded and new drains.
“The overall cost is RM150,000 and it will be carried out under my Rural Transformation Project (RTP) fund,” he said after he handed over the contract papers during his site visit today.
Lo, who is also Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman said the project work had started today and is expected to be completed within four months, or by the end of February 2023.
Explaining the reason behind the park’s facelift, Lo said it was earlier requested by the residents around the area.
MPP engineer Hartini Ahmad explains the upgrading works to reporters.
“I want everyone to know that I am not a magician nor do I have billions. I cannot fulfill everyone’s wishes overnight, but what I can do is grant them in stages. We will slowly improve one recreational park after another.
“We assemblymen get a RM5 million RTP fund per year from our Sarawak government under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) therefore on my side, they are meant for the whole of Batu Kitang constituency,” Lo added. — DayakDaily
KUCHING: Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Batu Kitang Lo Khere Chiang bersedia untuk merebut kembali kerusi Parlimen Stampin sekiranya diberi peluang bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-15 (PRU-15).
Menurutnya, sekiranya diberikan peluang beliau tidak akan menolak perkara tersebut.
“Jika saya diberikan peluang, sudah tentu saya akan menerimanya dengan mengatakan ya. Bagaimana saya boleh mengatakan tidak?,” katanya kepada pemberita semasa Penyerahan Projek Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTP) Menaik Taraf Taman di Taman Sunny Hill, dekat sini, hari ini.
BERCAKAP… Lo Khere Chiang bercakap kepada pemberita semasa Penyerahan Projek RTP Menaik Taraf Taman di Taman Sunny Hill, Kuching, hari ini.
Ditanya sejauh mana beliau yakin dapat merampas kerusi Parlimen Stampin daripada pembangkang, Lo Khere Chiang memberitahu beliau sangat yakin Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) boleh mendapatkannya semula.
“Tiada sebab mengapa tidak dapat, kita perlu menang dan boleh memenangi kerusi Parlimen Stampin. Kerana tidak ada parti lain yang akan menjaga Sarawak melainkan GPS,” ujarnya.
PRU-14 pada 9 Mei 2018 meyaksikan Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Chong Chieng Jen berjaya meraih undi 33,060 dengan majoriti 14,221 sekali gus berjaya menewaskan Presiden SUPP Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian yang mewakili Barisan Nasional (BN) ketika itu dengan hanya memperoleh 18,839 undi.
BERI PERHATIAN... Lo Khere Chiang meminta Kerajaan Persekutuan membantu penyelenggaraan Tadika Kemas.
KUCHING: Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Batu Kitang, Lo Khere Chiang maju pihak Kerajaan Persekutuan melihat sendiri keadaan Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak (Tadika) Jabatan Kemajuan Masyarakat (Kemas) di Batu Kitang yang memerlukan bantuan.
Beliau memaklumkan bahawa tapak Tadika itu milik Kerajaan Persekutuan tetapi penyelenggaraan sekolah diserahkan kepada kerajaan Sarawak, manakala pendidikan pula di bawah Kerajaan Persekutuan.
“Pihak sekolah sedang membina gazebo, tempat menunggu bagi ibu bapa apabila mengambil anak, pada masa sama mengecat semula pagar sekolah.
“Kerajaan Persekutuan mendapat banyak manfaat daripada minyak dan gas Sarawak tetapi memberikan kembali lina peratus daripada cukai jualan sahaja,” katanya.
Lo berkata sedemikian pada majlis penyerahan Program Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTP) di Tadika Kemas Kampung Tematu di sini semalam.
Beliau berkata, sebab itulah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15 (PRU-15) ini, rakyat perlu memastikan mereka mengundi calon Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) untuk menang semua 31 kerusi supaya suara lantang mewakili rakyat di Parlimen.
“Kita mempunyai 31 kerusi dan Sabah 25 kerusi dan jika kita bergabung dan menang semua, kita boleh menuntut kembali autonomi pendidikan dan kesihatan, “ katanya.
Beliau berkata, rakyat Sarawak mesti bijak dan bersatu hati jika mahu menuntut sesuatu dari Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Katanya, dengan kemenangan besar, rakyat boleh menyuarakan keluhan dan menuntut apa yang termaktub di bawah Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) dan juga boleh meminta cukai jualan sebanyak 15 peratus.
Projek RTP itu menelan belanja sebanyak RM30,000 yang akan siap dalam tempoh tiga bulan.
Lo turut menyaksikan penyerahan projek dari Majlis Perbandaran Padawan (MPP) kepada kontraktor yang dilantik untuk menyiapkan projek berkenaan.
Rotary Club of Kuching Unity City presents aid to single-parent families
Lo (front right) is seen in a group photo taken during the delivery of donations last Saturday.
KUCHING (Oct 25): Fifty single-parent families from Kampung Haji Baki received daily necessities, food, and stationery from the Rotary Club of Kuching Unity City last Saturday.
The event marked the end of a year-long project.
Club treasurer Esther Hu said many people lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic, which put a lot of pressure on groups with low household incomes.
“So, we decided to provide short-term relief to these single-parent families. Since 111 families are not a small group, we divided this donation project into four times of deliveries according to the donations received.
“We are very happy to see many breadwinners from these families have found new jobs and their lives are back on track,” she said.
Club president Mok Yong Yaw said the last donation came mainly from two companies – premium car dealer Regas Premium Auto Sdn Bhd and event planning company Red Velvet – as well as about 50 individual donors.
“We get from society and should also give back to society so that our community will gradually improve, and the people who are helped can see the hope of life,” he said.
Delivery project lead Desmond Tiong thanked Penghulu Sabtuyah Yusof and her team for helping identify those in real need of help and also Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang for sharing the events via social media to promote acts of kindness.
“Besides, under the lead of our immediate past president Mr Chew, we also built a mini library cum literacy centre here last month as a joint project with Rotary Club of Sri Kenyalang and Kuching Jaya.
“We will also set up few more at other rural areas to improve local literacy rate. Therefore, we need RM250,000 donation from public to set up these library-cum-literacy centres as our upcoming projects,” he said.
For more information, visit or contact Hu on 017-8266535.
50 single mothers in Kg Haji Baki receive daily necessities as short-term relief
Lo (second right) in a photo-call with others presenting the donations at Kampung Haji Baki on Saturday (Oct 22, 2022).
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KUCHING, Oct 24: The Rotary Club of Kuching Unity City once again demonstrated its compassion on Saturday (Oct 22) by providing 50 single-mother families in Kampung Haji Baki with donations of food, stationery, and daily necessities.
According to a press release, the event also marks the end of a year-long project.
“The main reason for donating necessities is that many people lost their jobs during the pandemic, putting a strain on groups with low family income, so we decided to provide short-term relief to these single-parent families.
“Because 111 families is a large group, we divided this donation project into four delivery times based on the donations received.
“We are delighted that many breadwinners from these families have found new jobs and their lives have returned to normal,” Rotary Club of Kuching Unity Club treasurer Esther Hu said.
Furthermore, Rotary Club of Kuching Unity City president Mok Yong Yaw stated that the most recent donations were primarily from two companies — premium car dealer Regas Premium Auto Sdn Bhd and 10-year-old event planning company Red Velvet.
“There are also 50 individual donors. We receive from society and should also give back to society, so that our community gradually improves and those who are helped can see the light of life,” Mok noted.
Meanwhile, Rotary Club of Kuching Unity City project leader of the delivery Desmond Tiong, said he is grateful to Penghulu Madam Sabtuyah and her team for assisting them in identifying people who truly need assistance, as well as Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang, who is always there to cheer them up and share the events on social media to promote acts of kindness.
“Besides that, under the leadership of our immediate past president, Mr Chew, we constructed a mini-library and literacy centre here last month as part of a joint project with the Rotary Clubs of Sri Kenyalang and Kuching Jaya.
“We will also establish a few more in other rural areas in order to increase local literacy rates.
“Therefore, we require RM250,000 in public donations to establish these libraries and literacy centres as upcoming projects,” Tiong highlighted.
Meanwhile, Lo was also present to support the charitable work.
Lo: No point to send more DAP reps from Sarawak to Parliament
Lo Khere Chiang
By Christopher Lidom
KUCHING, Oct 21: There is no point in sending over one or two more DAP (Democratic Action Party) representatives from Sarawak to Parliament, opined Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) deputy secretary general Lo Khere Chiang.
According to Lo, DAP already has 30 to 40 of its members in Parliament.
“I am asking Sarawakians to look at the big picture and instead send all 31 Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) members to represent them in Parliament.
“What is the point of sending another two from Sarawak to join them over there? Think about it,” he said during a press conference held at an eatery in Mile 7 here today.
“Sarawakians now know the importance of voting for GPS.
“This is why in this 15th General Election (GE15), we must deliver 31 seats in Parliament under GPS,” he added.
He pointed GPS is also not in any coalition with any other Peninsular Malaysia-based coalitions, such as Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH).
“It is for the sake of Sarawak. That is what we are doing, and that is what Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg is doing,” he said. — DayakDaily
‘Why no effort to repair dilapidated schools in Batu Kitang?’ Lo asks Education Ministry
Lo shows pictures of some of the dilapidated school facilities in Batu Kitang constituency.
KUCHING (Oct 21): Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang today questioned the federal Education Ministry (MoE) for not taking any effort to repair dilapidated school facilities in his constituency.
He said repeated requests were made by the affected schools to MoE through the Education Department to carry out repairs on their roads, drains, septic tanks and football field, among others, but the requests fell on deaf ears.
“I feel very disappointed because there were cases in some of the government schools in Batu Kitang where roads, drains and septic tanks were damaged and sunk or the football field was soggy.
“Requests to repair them were made but the Education Department is not making any effort to repair them. Given the schools are already over 20 years old, we expected the MoE through the Education Department to improve the facilities but I am disappointed as nothing has been done,” he told a press conference at Mile 7 here today.
Lo said if schools in Batu Kitang, which is considered an urban area, are in such a sorry state, the situation in rural and remote areas must be even worse.
“If in the urban areas you can have schools operating under these kinds of conditions, I cannot imagine how bad the condition of other schools in rural areas are,” he lamented.
He said there were six primary and secondary government schools in his constituency in need of such repairs but could not disclose them as the headmasters could be victimised.
Lo said if the federal government does not want to take care of schools in Sarawak, it should return autonomy on education back to the state.
“By saying this, I mean all funds for education in Sarawak including teachers’ salaries should be given to Sarawak.
“Give us back our money you collected and allocated for us and let us do it ourselves. I believe we can do a better job,” he said.
Batu Kawah and Batu Kitang are SUPP strongholds but Kota Sentosa was held by DAP under its Sarawak chairman Chong Chien Jen for three terms from 2006 until 2021 when Wilfred Yap finally won it for SUPP.
BATU Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang declared at a function on July 26 Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) will wrest back the Stampin parliamentary seat from DAP in the 15th General Election (GE15).
Lo’s optimism is well founded as for the first time since 2006 all the three state seat –, Batu Kitang, Batu Kawah and Kota Sentosa – within Stampin parliamentary constituency are under SUPP.
Batu Kawah and Batu Kitang are SUPP strongholds but Kota Sentosa was held by DAP under its Sarawak chairman Chong Chien Jen for three terms from 2006 until 2021 when Wilfred Yap finally won it for SUPP.
Lo’s declaration led to speculations that he is interested to stand in Stampin as he was overlooked for a ministerial post in the state cabinet after the last state election and he could see victory in Stampin as a route to at least a federal deputy ministerial post.
This speculation was reinforced by the recommendation of SUPP Batu Kitang branch for him to stand in Stampin.
However, Lo put paid to that speculation on October 16 when he told The Borneo Post that his president Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian is the most winnable candidate to represent Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) in Stampin in GE15.
It is likely that Dr Sim would want a second bite at the cherry in Stampin as in 2018 in the last General Election (GE14) SUPP tried to wrest the seat from DAP by fielding him but he was defeated by Chong by 14,221 votes.
The obstacle to Dr Sim’s Stampin candidacy is the GPS policy of not allowing a state assemblyman to hold both parliamentary and state seats.
However, that ruling was broken when Bintulu MP, Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) president Dato Seri Tiong King Sing stood in Dudong in the last state election and won.
The precedent set by Tiong could pave the way for state assemblymen to stand in parliamentary seats in GE15.
Ironically, the objection to Dr Sim standing in Stampin came from the Batu Kawah SUPP branch in his own state constituency.
On the same day that Lo touted Dr Sim as the most winnable candidate for Stampin, the Batu Kawah branch chairman Lim Ah Ted said that the SUPP president was not one of the candidates recommended by the branch to stand in that constituency.
Lim said the branch had recommended Tan Kai, the Party’s former Youth chief,to stand in Stampin as Dr Sim is already the state Deputy Premier.
If Tan was chosen it would be his second foray into the parliamentary election.
In 2013, he stood against Chong in the Kuching in GE13 and lost.
It was reported that the Kota Sentosa SUPP branch had also decided on their recommendation for the party’s candidate for Stampin but has yet to announce its decision to the press.
Surprisingly, the SUPP Stakan branch is the first to announce its preferred candidate for Stampin.
On July 19 the branch endorsed its chairman, Datuk Sim Kian Chiok, for the Stampin parliamentary seat.
Despite being the first to throw his hat into the ring, Sim faces an uphill task in securing GPS candidacy for the Stampin seat as the Stakan SUPP branch is in the neighbouring Samarahan parliamentary constituency.
In the face of nominations from the three Stampin SUPP branches and the possibility of Dr Sim standing there, Sim’s chances of getting the nod for the seat is very slim.
Stampin parliamentary seat which has 120,334 electors is one of the seats traditionally allocated to SUPP in the GPS parliamentary constituencies distribution.
SUPP won the seat in 1999 and held on to it for three terms under Datuk Yong Khoon Seng until 2013 when DAP’s newcomer Julian Tan Kok Ping won the seat beating Yong with a comfortable majority of 18,670 votes.
However, with SUPP capturing all the three state seats in the constituency in the last state election any candidate SUPP nominates to stand there would stand a great chance of wresting the seat from DAP.
Stampin Parliamentary constituency is ripe for the picking for SUPP.
* Francis Chan is The Borneo Post’s former executive editor.