23 October 2021

Rep to look into building more carpark space

Rep to look into building more carpark space

Lo, Hassan and the contractor Steven Lee at Taman Flora, Batu Kawa to check out the situation. Photo: Ghazali Bujang

KUCHING: Padawan Municipal Council Chairman Lo Khere Chiang will look into the needs of the residents at Taman Flora Indah flat here who have requested for an additional parking space at the area.

He said that he had received requests from the residents to build more car parks in view of the increasing number of vehicles owned by the flat residents.

“I have plans to extend the car park, but all this can be done only after the Land and Survey Department has issued the strata titles.

“The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is in the final stage of getting the strata titles concerned.

“Thus, I urge everyone to be patient and to not to carry out any unauthorised extension before the strata titles are out,” he said.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, said that if an unauthorised extension to the existing car park is made, it would further complicate the process of acquiring the strata titles.

“I will also discuss with the residents on the car park extension while maintaining the green area here,” he said.

At the same time, he also called upon each block of the flat to appoint a leader so that the residents can easily inform their respective leaders should any issue arise.

“Let’s work together to make Taman Flora Indah a beautiful place … and as time goes on, I will put in more effort to improve this area,” he said.

Yesterday (Oct 18), Lo witnessed the handing over of the completed project of Taman Flora Indah by HDC engineer Hassan Hazli Huspi to Taman Flora Indah Committee chairman Ong Liang Boo in a simple handing over ceremony.


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