30 April 2021

Play it safe, says MPP chief

Play it safe, says MPP chief

Lo speaking to reporters.

KUCHING: Members of the public, especially hawkers, in areas under the jurisdiction of The Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) reminded the public and hawkers under its jurisdiction to be alert and careful, especially when being out in public because of the current Covid-19 situation.

MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang said this to reporters after visiting the Kota Sentosa Temporary Hawker Centre today.

Lo mentioned that hawkers must always be careful and follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to prevent the spread of the virus in the market area.

“Whether doing businesses indoors or in open areas, they still need to be very careful.

“This is because if there is a positive case in one market, other markets will also be ordered to close,” he said.

At the same time, he also praised those responsible for managing the hawker centre in ensuring that it is always clean and complies with the SOPs.

“We are thankful because hawkers in this area are always careful and until now, no markets in the MPP area have been ordered to close. Therefore, we hope that this would continue,” he said.


MPP introduces online digital marketing platform to boost hawkers’ income during Covid-19 pandemic

MPP introduces online digital marketing platform to boost hawkers’ income during Covid-19 pandemic

Lo (yellow shirt) speaking to reporters after the walkabout at Kota Sentosa Temporary Hawker Centre in 7th Mile, Kuching today (April 30, 2021).

By Christopher Lidom

KUCHING, April 30: The Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) has introduced an online digital marketing platform to local hawkers in efforts to boost their income during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang, the introduction of the online digital marketing platform will enable them to get in touch with their customers.

“I have experienced over the past few months, there are times where they have to close down and immediately lose their income. But if we bring the digital online platform to them, and if they have to close the market and cannot trade, they can still go online and get in touch with their customers.

“Through this platform, they will be able to get in touch with the customers and the products still get to be delivered,” said Lo when speaking to reporters after his walkabout at Kota Sentosa Temporary Hawker Centre in 7th Mile, here today.

During the walkabout, Lo also introduced the local hawkers to a contactless payment system using the Sarawak Pay, Touch’n Go e-wallet and many others.

Meanwhile, Lo said since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, there is not a single market in areas under MPP jurisdiction that has been closed down.

However, he said, the council also does not want a single case of outbreak to occur, because that will close down the markets.

“I would also like to remind everybody including our hawkers, to be extremely careful during this time of Covid-19. Everybody must play their role in protecting themselves and everyone,” he said. — DayakDaily


罗克强与SCW Elite团队到访7哩哥打圣淘沙早市小贩中心 为小贩们提供电子钱包及网购服务

30 April, 2021 4:52 PM

罗克强与SCW Elite团队到访7哩哥打圣淘沙早市小贩中心 为小贩们提供电子钱包及网购服务

巴达旺市议会主席罗克强与SCW Elite公司总监陈爱萍前往7哩哥打圣淘沙巡视早市小贩。

(本报古晋30日迅)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强今日与SCW Elite团队到访7哩哥打圣淘沙早市小贩中心,希望为小贩们提供电子钱包及网购服务公司,以帮助把农产品转为线上销售。



他强调,要把该平台推介给小贩,也不容易,因不是每个小贩懂得操作电子钱包及经营线上销售模式。因此,在这方面,就很需要像提供电子钱包及网购服务公司SCW Elite的团队,给予教学上的帮助。

巴达旺市议会主席罗克强(黄衣)与SCW Elite团队合影,后排左为SCW Elite公司总监陈爱萍。

同时,SCW Elite公司总监陈爱萍指出,在疫情的冲击下,线上销售平台,包括在无现金时代,现在的店面和小贩需要不一样的平台来帮助他们提高销售额。




29 April 2021

MPP will conduct sweeps to smoke out open burning activities in residential areas

MPP will conduct sweeps to smoke out open burning activities in residential areas

Lo Khere Chiang

KUCHING, April 29: The Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) has launched a joint operation to investigate open burning in residential areas under its jurisdiction.

According to MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang, since January until April 27, MPP has received a total of 24 complaints regarding open burning, and 15 of the complaints involved residential areas.

“Most of the complaints are burning garden waste (tree, leaf, grass), plastic, paper and wood or old cabinets.

“MPP is conducting an ongoing joint operation and investigation with the Natural Resources Environment Board (NREB) and Department Of Environment (DOE) to tackle this matter to advise and warn offenders,” he said during a live press conference via Zoom session held after the Council Meeting, together with its deputy Dato Ahmad Dato’ Sri Ibrahim and others invited participants, today.

Lo noted that smoke from open burning can cause adverse effects to health, because smoke from burning garbage or trash which contains toxic pollutants, can cause cancer.

“Additionally, fine particulate matter from burning is one of the most harmful air pollutants to public health. It is especially harmful to young people whose lungs are still developing as well as those with cardiovascular or respiratory ailments,” he said.

At the same time, he reminded the public to play their role to solve this problem and to be aware that open burning in residential areas can cause nuisance to neighborhoods and air pollution to the environment.

He said the community must have a sense of responsibility and awareness not to do open burning.

“They should dispose of their garden waste or renovation waste properly by contacting Trienekens (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd who can provide rental of suitable bins for disposal of such items,” added Lo. — DayakDaily


518 animal bite cases but zero rabies

518 animal bite cases but zero rabies

Lo Khere Chiang . Photo: Mohd Alif Noni

KUCHING: A total of 518 animal bite cases have been recorded in Padawan Municipal Council (MPP)’s area as of April 25 this year but with zero rabies cases.

MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang noted that of these, 518 bite cases, 286 or about 55 percent were bites from pet dogs.

“That is the reason why all pets should be vaccinated and prevented from roaming freely with stray dogs so that we can prevent rabies infection,” he said during a press conference via Zoom after MPP’s full council meeting today.

He pointed out that feeding strays aggravated the issue.

“Pet owners are advised to neuter and vaccinate their dogs, and not to feed stray dogs,” he said.

He said even though everyone is primarily concerned about Covid-19 at this time, rabies should not be forgotten as it is still around.

“As long as a rabies outbreak is declared, dogs that have been captured by the council cannot be taken back by the owner for prevention of dogs having rabies when owners intentionally let vaccinated dogs out and they associate with other stray dogs whose statuses are unknown,” he said.

He said vaccinated dogs should be confined to the home, adding that 290 dogs had been captured by the MPP Dog Control Unit in the first three months of this year.

Lo said he had also received many complaints of dogs causing nuisance to neighbours by barking and making lots of noise.

He said a possible reason is that some dogs are kept locked up for too long, causing them to be frustrated and stressed and therefore resulting in barking.

“I would like to advise and encourage pet owners to take good care of their dogs and understand why they are barking loudly and continuously.

“Don’t let them bark unnecessarily and continuously for hours, which would cause the neighbours to complain,” he urged.


巴達旺市會聯同環境部 冀解決露天焚燒問題

29 April, 2021 1:18 PM

巴達旺市會聯同環境部 冀解決露天焚燒問題








狗若被地方议会捉走 狗主将无法领回

狗若被地方议会捉走 狗主将无法领回












27 April 2021


Body-worn camera also known as “body camera” is a wearable audio, video or photographic recording system. MPP has since 2020 equipped the Council’s Enforcement Team with body cameras that are able to capture “the video of the enforcement” and the live video feed can be viewed directly at the MPP Office at Kota Padawan.
With the use of the body cameras, the efficiency, integrity and confidence of MPP’s enforcement staff will be elevated when they carry out their daily monitoring patrols and when they conduct operations. The footage or video recordings of the body cameras will provide a clear account of what happened and help prevent wrongful accusations against the enforcement staff.
The MPP Enforcement Teams are on patrol daily to monitor the compliance to SOPs to stop the spread of Covid-19. The public and businesses are advised to follow the SOPs. Compounds shall be issued for non-compliance of Covid-19 SOPs.

26 April 2021

罗克强:除非当局强制规定 . 市会不要求戴面罩

罗克强:除非当局强制规定 . 市会不要求戴面罩




































24 April 2021

Lo: MPP has never neglected to maintain parks under its jurisdiction

Lo: MPP has never neglected to maintain parks under its jurisdiction

Lo Khere Chiang

KUCHING, April 24: Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang has rebutted Pending assemblywomen Violet Yong’s claims that the council neglected its duty in maintaining the parks under its jurisdiction.

Lo in a press statement today said throughout the years, MPP has unfailingly done its level best in carrying out maintenance works at all the parks under MPP’s area of jurisdiction. 

“Violet failed to understand that this park known as Rancangan Perumahan Rakyat (RPR) Batu Kawa was developed more than 30 years ago and definitely not new. The Council has never neglected any of its parks,” said Lo.

He was responding to a recent statement from the Pending reps with regards to the allegedly neglected recreational park at RPR Batu Kawa. 

Lo said despite being a so-called responsible politician, Yong only picked on alleged faults of MPP.

He pointed out that Violet failed to appreciate the efforts by the Council because she is not from the Batu Kawa community, being the elected representative from Pending.

“I truly wonder why she has not served her own constituents just as well as she is such a busy body picking on the alleged faults of MPP.

“As a lawyer, Violet ought to understand the principles of law better in that a person or organisation should be given an opportunity to get around to rectify any alleged oversights within a reasonable time,” he added.

On another note, Lo said other than the park in RPR Batu Kawa, the council has other recreational parks which are recently completed or upgraded such as Batu Kawa Riverbank Park Phase 2, Sri Moyan Recreational Park, Taman Kwong Tiong Recreational Park, MJC Batu Kawa Recreational Park, Taman Stapok Utama Recreational Park.

According to him, there are also a few new parks under construction such as Batu Kawa Riverbank Park Phase 1 and 4 and Sport/Community Hall with an Innovative Hub, which serves the community at large.

These, he continued, are in addition to the two new recreational parks at 10th Mile and 11th Mile in Kota Padawan, which cater the needs of all living within the surrounding areas in MPP.

“The Council has so many parks to maintain and I believe has done it to an appreciable, maintainable level within the resources that it has.

“Naturally and as always, I welcome the residents’ complaints which may assist the Council to address these issues positively. All residents under my MPP jurisdiction can approach me or my staff at MPP to voice their concerns and seek assistance and naturally we will do our level best to assist them,” he said. – DayakDaily


Lo: MPP has never neglected to maintain parks under its jurisdiction

Lo: MPP has never neglected to maintain parks under its jurisdiction

Lo Khere Chiang

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KUCHING, April 24: Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang has rebutted Pending assemblywomen Violet Yong’s claims that the council neglected its duty in maintaining the parks under its jurisdiction.

Lo in a press statement today said throughout the years, MPP has unfailingly done its level best in carrying out maintenance works at all the parks under MPP’s area of jurisdiction. 

“Violet failed to understand that this park known as Rancangan Perumahan Rakyat (RPR) Batu Kawa was developed more than 30 years ago and definitely not new. The Council has never neglected any of its parks,” said Lo.

He was responding to a recent statement from the Pending reps with regards to the allegedly neglected recreational park at RPR Batu Kawa. 

Lo said despite being a so-called responsible politician, Yong only picked on alleged faults of MPP.

He pointed out that Violet failed to appreciate the efforts by the Council because she is not from the Batu Kawa community, being the elected representative from Pending.

“I truly wonder why she has not served her own constituents just as well as she is such a busy body picking on the alleged faults of MPP.

“As a lawyer, Violet ought to understand the principles of law better in that a person or organisation should be given an opportunity to get around to rectify any alleged oversights within a reasonable time,” he added.

On another note, Lo said other than the park in RPR Batu Kawa, the council has other recreational parks which are recently completed or upgraded such as Batu Kawa Riverbank Park Phase 2, Sri Moyan Recreational Park, Taman Kwong Tiong Recreational Park, MJC Batu Kawa Recreational Park, Taman Stapok Utama Recreational Park.

According to him, there are also a few new parks under construction such as Batu Kawa Riverbank Park Phase 1 and 4 and Sport/Community Hall with an Innovative Hub, which serves the community at large.

These, he continued, are in addition to the two new recreational parks at 10th Mile and 11th Mile in Kota Padawan, which cater the needs of all living within the surrounding areas in MPP.

“The Council has so many parks to maintain and I believe has done it to an appreciable, maintainable level within the resources that it has.

“Naturally and as always, I welcome the residents’ complaints which may assist the Council to address these issues positively. All residents under my MPP jurisdiction can approach me or my staff at MPP to voice their concerns and seek assistance and naturally we will do our level best to assist them,” he said. – DayakDaily


23 April 2021

Batu Kitang rep receives another 100 bags of rice to assist local community under quarantine

Batu Kitang rep receives another 100 bags of rice to assist local community under quarantine

Lo (centre) together with Liew Yin Poh (second right) and Kapitan for Kampung Kuap Cina in 10th Mile (second left), speaking to the reporters during the simple handing over ceremony today (April 23, 2021).

By Christopher Lidom

KUCHING, April 23: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Batu Kitang N13 Service centre received another 100 bags of rice from a generous member of the public in efforts to help those who are put under quarantine order in the constituency.

Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang said the contribution is a courtesy of a personnel donation from Liew Yin Poh and his family.

According to Lo, his efforts in assisting the local community had been recognised by the members of the public, business community as well as philanthropists at large, which prompted them to also contribute in order to help the community.

“These contributions will be delivered to those who are affected by the quarantine order in Batu Kitang constituency.

“As of today, more than 100 individuals from 30 families in Batu Kitang constituency have been assisted,” he told reporters during the handing over ceremony, held at SUPP Batu Kitang service centre in 6th Mile, here today.

Lo noted he was informed about those who are being placed under the quarantine order by the local village head, community leaders and ‘Kapitan’.

“Out of 18 villages in the constituency, six of the villages have cases of people who are put under the quarantine order,” he added.

At the same time, Lo also conveyed his gratitude to everyone who have assisted the effort by contributing the necessities and through other means. — DayakDaily