31 August 2018

Padawan’s Nature Challenge returns Oct 28

Padawan’s Nature Challenge returns Oct 28

By : News Desk Posted on : Friday, August 31, 2018 Sarawak Tribune

KOTA PADAWAN: The Borneo Highlands Padawan Nature Challenge 2018 will be returning on October 28 at Borneo Highlands Resort here.

The categories to be competed in this Nature Challenge which has been held every year for the past eight years are the 15km MPP Chairman Trail Run, 10km­Mix Batu Panggah Treking Challenge, 10km Open, 12km Open Borneo Highlands Run and 12km Veteran.

Chairman of Padawan Municipal Council (MPP), Ir Lo Khere Chiang said that the event which has been held for the past eight years and each year it has been able to attract about 300 local and international participants.

“This Run is a bit of challenge and it is not running flat on the road. But it is going up the mountain. So it is a challenge.

“I would like to encourage the public to take part in this Nature Challenge,” he said at a press conference at MPP headquarters here.

“Not only that, we hope also to promote the tourism potential in this spot as Padawan has a lot of tourism potential and attractions. We have caves, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, jungle trail and also a resort right up on the top of the Borneo Highlands.

“For nature lovers, that is the place to be in. The weather up there is cold and conducive, and the natural rainforest there is something that can’t be easily found elsewhere or easily get engaged in,” he emphasised.

“This one you don’t have to go deep into the jungle. Once you reach Borneo Highlands, you can experience the natural rainforests,” he said.

Lo also said that there was also a beautiful golf course up there at the Borneo Highlands Resort and there was also a point where one could have an excellent view overlooking the Kalimantan border.

“It is also the tourism potential that we want to promote,” he said.

He added that an event management company has been engaged to promote the Borneo Highlands Padawan Nature Challenge (BHPNC) 2018.

According to Councillor Wadell Boyad, the organising chairman of BHPNC 2018, the event this year will exclude the Cycling event as it clashed with the Sarawak Century Ride.

Meanwhile, the registration fee for the 15km MPP Chairman Trail Run is RM160/team, 10km­Mix Batu Panggah Treking Challenge and 10km Open are RM140/team while the 12km Open Borneo Highlands Run and 12km Veteran are priced at RM70/team.

Four rabies deaths in MPP area cause for concern

Four rabies deaths in MPP area cause for concern

By : News Desk Posted on : Friday, August 31, 2018 Blurp section, Sarawak Tribune
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KOTA PADAWAN: Rabies can be eradicated in Sarawak if everyone plays his or her part to curb its spread, Chairman of Padawan Municipal Council (MPP), Lo Khere Chiang said.
“We already have four deaths in Padawan (MPP) alone with a total of 13 deaths in the whole state already.

“This showed how serious it (rabies) is. It can be eradicated but it takes the effort of everyone,” Lo said at a press conference after chairing MPP’s full meeting, recently.

“We understand why MBKS (Kuching City South Council) is going to do it (starts a mass operation to remove stray dogs in its area in September) and we will complement its effort. What MBKS is doing is a good idea.

“If MBKS chooses September to intensify its effort, everybody should follow suit and to intensify effort to curb the spread of rabies.

“Hence, I would also like to encourage all the other councils to do the same because there is no point in one council doing it and the rest don’t do it, because dogs and other animals with rabies will be running around and coming back again.

“So we will complement MBKS’ effort and I will encourage all the other councils to do the same,” Lo said, adding that it is not a ‘hobby’ of the MPP to remove the stray dogs in its area. “We do not want to catch these dogs if we don’t have to. But if we see the statistics, we already have four deaths in the MPP area,’ he said.

Lo also advised MPP residents and all over the state to keep their pets in door.

He stressed that apart from pets, humans also need to be vaccinated against rabies.

He also revealed that 55,000 rabies deaths are recorded annually throughout the world. Rabies is found in all countries throughout the world except Antartica.

市会主席任期满后连任或否 罗克强:交党中央决定

市会主席任期满后连任或否 罗克强:交党中央决定

2018年8月31日 See Hua Online









罗克强提醒马哈迪 勿延续种族化扶弱政策

罗克强提醒马哈迪 勿延续种族化扶弱政策


30 August 2018

Not recognizing the UEC is fast becoming a running joke

In June of this year 2018, PM Tun Dr. Mahathir told Channel NewsAsia that “Disparity in any society is bad, even if it’s a single ethnic (group). You have the rich, very rich, and the poor, very poor... you are inviting conflict. But when the rich belong to one race, and the poor to another race, the potential for conflict is much greater.”

Hence, according to our PM, the need for the continuation of affirmative action despite a pledge by the ruling government to abolish NEP in its manifesto.

Today, after nearly half a decade of affirmative action in favour of Bumiputeras, we can easily rattle off the names of Malaysians residing in Malaysia who are millionaires and billionaires. 

‘Congratulations’ are definitely in order and perhaps it is time to switch affirmative action to helping races other than the Bumiputeras for the next 50 years. But no. Having experienced it all firsthand, we would not wish such hardship and indignity among our fellow Malaysians. 

A much better suggestion would be to stop ugly race politics in its track by helping all Malaysians according to their needs regardless of their racial profile. 

This is also where recognizing UEC comes in. Education should ideally be the pursuit of knowledge and betterment of humanity. It should not become a platform for politics and racist propaganda.

The Education minister, Maszlee Malik has given us assurances that there will be no flip- flops on the decision to recognize UEC but what many are worried about is that even after the new government recognizes UEC, there are no guarantees that they are obligated to accept it just like how they are not obligated to accept non bumiputera students with straight As into public universities in Malaysia to this very day. 

UEC is recognized in top universities abroad - in Australia, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Japan, United States, Taiwan, China, France and Canada, just to name a few. It is recognized in private local universities but amusingly, not in local public universities. 

It is only fair to say that non-bumiputera students’ parents also pay taxes and funded public local universities that their children have no access to. They then have to pay expensive school fees, maybe contributed towards Chinese education funds to support UEC and finally fund their children’s exorbitant overseas universities fees -only to let them serve in the countries they pursued their university studies in.

Imagine spending millions of dollars feeding a baby, putting a shelter over its head, clothing and educating it; and after spending the millions we let them serve other countries..how stupid can we get? If this is not the epitome of brain drain, I do not know what is.

Chinese Independent schools have been in existent ever since 1923 when Chung Ling school in Penang started its secondary level classes and the recognition of the UEC has featured in practically every general election since 1986. 

The litany of excuses right up to 2018 for not recognizing the UEC is fast becoming a running joke. It would be funny if it were not on such a serious issue. 

One of the most popular excuse is that the UEC is purely a question of academic assessment for the MQA and not a political issue. If this is true, my first question would be : So why is an exam standard that is accepted worldwide not good enough for our own public universities? 

In Malaysia, a number of non Chinese parents are sending their children to Chinese schools as they see the economic value of Chinese education. What more can one say except perhaps:Yes...the proof is in the pudding.

It is indeed an excruciating fact that  something we care about so deeply -the simple provision of a decent education for our children has to involve so many hidden agendas that make lives difficult for our youngsters who are already struggling with their fair share of problems in a family where both parents most likely have to work to make ends meet.

The late Sarawak chief minister Adenan Satem echoed the frustrations of many when he hit out at the government of not recognizing the UEC. Labelling it a "stupid policy", he said it was senseless not to recognise the UEC because it had since led to a brain drain and exodus of talents to countries which recognised it.

"Numerous countries all over the world recognise the UEC, but not Malaysia ... what a waste," he said. 

The well loved Adenan left a great legacy for Sarawak and Sarawakians. Besides bringing up MA63 and fighting for Sarawak’s rights to its oil and gas , he will be forever remembered for his administration's recognition of the United Examination Certificate issued by Chinese schools.

"It is a sad day for Sarawak and Sarawakians. We lost a great leader whose focus was on the interest of the state and its people," said Fadillah, then Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Youth chief. He also added that  it was important that Adenan’s legacy continued and that “We must now make sure that we continue whatever wishes he (Adenan ) had for the people and Sarawak.”

That is exactly why we must all stand firmly behind our present CM, Abang Jo who has bravely carried on Adenan Satem’s legacy of seeing Sarawak through it all-the more urgent ones as of right now being the immediate recognition of UEC and not least, the prompt recognition of MA63, to return what is rightfully ours as promised in PH’s manifesto.

罗克强吁民力挺首长捍卫砂权益 促希盟落实竞选承诺

罗克强吁民力挺首长捍卫砂权益 促希盟落实竞选承诺


(古晋29日讯)巴都吉当区州立法议员罗克强指出,对于首相敦马哈迪今年6月接受《亚洲新闻台》专访时曾发表为了消除种族矛盾,政府必须延续以种族区分为导向的扶弱政策的言论,称这与执政政府在竞选宣言中矢言将废除新经济政策的承诺乃背道而驰。 他今日发文告指出,当时敦马表示,即使在同一族群中,贫富太悬殊,将会导致族群之间的冲突;而如果是某一族群富有,另一族群贫穷,将更大可能会发生冲突,因此问题有必要加以纠正。 对此,罗克强认为敦马上述的言论已违背希盟宣言中将废除新经济政策的承诺,并称实际上,富有和贫穷的现象是没有种族之分,作为负责任的政府,是时候必须公平对待各社会成员,不分种族地为弱势群体建立更安全稳固的社会保护网。 他说,富裕或贫穷与肤色和宗教无关,政府在解决贫穷问题上,必须具体的针对贫穷问题本身,而不是把一个社会经济的问题扭曲为一个种族课题。 同样的,在独中统考文凭课题上,教育是公民获取知识的基本权益之一,绝对不应该被种族化及政治化。 罗克强说,教育部长马智礼曾经承诺,在承认独中统考文凭的课题上不会出尔反尔。然而大家所担忧的是,即便新政府有朝一日承认了统考文凭,也不能保证就会因此接受独中生进入国立大学。君不见,时至今日,仍有许多考获全A优异成绩的非土著被拒于大学门外? 统考文凭已获得世界许多著名大学的承认,包括在澳洲、英国、美国、爱尔兰、新加坡、香港、纽西兰、日本、中国、加拿大等等,即使是国内的私立大学也接受统考文凭,然而令人不得其解的是,国内的国立大学依然不承认统考文凭。 “非土著学生的父母也都是纳税人,他们所缴纳的税务,部分也是用在本地国立大学的办学上,但他们的孩子却不得其门而入,这是很荒谬的。这些父母需要支付更高昂的学费,一方面也是为了资助华文教育的发展。他们的孩子最终到外国深造,之后留在那些国家工作。 试想想,父母花费了毕生的积蓄养育孩子,从孩提到大学,这些孩子最后却服务他国,这显得多么的愚蠢啊!如果这不是人才外流,我真不知道这是什么。 ” 此外,他说马来西亚第一间华文中学是在1923年创办的槟城锺灵中学。独中统考文凭自1986年迄今,每一届的大选都成为朝野争论的课题。这也说明,我国华社对华文教育,乃至政府承认统考的重视。 多年来,政府以种种的理由,作为推搪以不承认统考文凭的借口。信手拈来,其中最常被引用的理由是,独中统考文凭未获得大马学术资格鉴定机构(MQA)的承认,当局并非以政治为考量。如果这项理由站得住脚,为何统考文凭却能得到世界许多知名大学的承认,但我国的国立大学却不以为然呢? 今天,有不少的非华裔父母都将孩子送入华校,他们看到了华文教育的经济价值,我们还能说什么呢?实践是检验真理的标准! 许多父母为了家庭的生计,衣食住行的开销,早出晚归的打拼,为何还要为他们孩子的教育架设有形或是无形的障碍和议程? 在砂拉越,前首席部长丕显斯里阿德南对华社感同深受,更形容政府不承认统考文凭为“愚蠢”的政策,导致国家人才的外流。世界许多国家都承认了统考文凭,但却不是马来西亚,这是一种“浪费”。 深受人民爱戴的阿德南除了挑起1963年大马协议,争取砂拉越的油气权,更宣布砂拉越承认独中统考文凭。斯人已逝,但他永远活在人民心中,精神永存。 现任首长拿督巴丁宜阿邦佐哈里矢言将延续阿德南的施政方针,实现其遗愿。 对此,他呼吁砂拉越人民必须坚定不移的力挺阿邦佐,作为其后盾,捍卫砂拉越的权益,包括监督希盟政府,落实竞选宣言的承诺。

Padawan nature challenge to be held Oct 28

Padawan nature challenge to be held Oct 28 

Lo (sixth left), Ahmad (on his right) and other committee members holding a banner to promote the event.
KUCHING: The Borneo Highlands Padawan Nature Challenge 2018 will be held on Oct 28 at Borneo Highlands Resort near here.
The event jointly organised by the Sarawak government and Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) is divided into three categories – 15km Trail Run, 10km Batu Panggah Trekking and 12km Borneo Highlands Run.
MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang during a press conference at its office in Kota Padawan yesterday said that the event was one of the efforts to promote tourist spots in Sarawak, including in MPP areas.
“Here in Padawan as there are several tourist destinations like caves and waterfalls, such event will help to promote the area to both local and foreign tourists,” added Lo who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman. He also pointed out that participants would also be able to see the beautiful sceneries bordering West Kalimantan,adding that meal and transport to the Borneo Highlands Plateau will be provided.
Also present were MPP deputy chairman Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim and other organising committee members.

29 August 2018

緊張刺激竹筏挑戰賽 等您來報名

緊張刺激竹筏挑戰賽 等您來報名

(本报古晋28日讯)2018年巴达旺竹筏赛定于9月30日(星期日)举行,欢迎有兴趣者赶紧报名参加。 此项备有总奖金2万8千令吉的赛事共设有3个组别,包括40公里专业组、26公里男子公开组及22公里女子公开、政府机构和酒店及旅行机构组。 其中40公里组是从甘榜阿娜拉依斯(Kampung Annah Rais)至甘榜吉特(Kampung Git);26公里组则从甘榜特姆朗(Kampung Temurang)至甘榜吉特;以及22公里组则从甘榜达奴(Kampung Danu)至甘榜吉特。


至于闭幕礼将由旅游、艺术、文化、青年与体育部长拿督阿都卡林主持。 每个组别的报名费为专业组200令吉、男子公开组160令吉以及其他组别140令吉,这报名费包括个人意外保险在内。


报名截止日期是9月28日上午11时,欢迎有兴趣者联络082-615566,连接408或013-825 8772。

巴達旺自然挑戰賽 1028登場

巴達旺自然挑戰賽 1028登場

(本报古晋28日讯)2018年巴达旺婆罗洲高原大自然挑战赛将于10月28日(星期日)举行,欢迎热爱大自然运动爱好者踊跃报名参与。 此项挑战赛乃由巴达旺市议会和州政府联办,并获得婆罗洲高原度假村为主要赞助,旨在让热爱大自然的运动好手,藉由竞赛过程投入大自然怀抱,同时将巴达旺山区优美环境面貌完美收入眼帘。 巴达旺市议会主席罗克强州议会在发布会时指出,赛会分成多个组别,其中包括15公里《巴达旺市议会主席》路跑挑战赛、12公里路跑挑战赛及10公里路跑挑战赛。 往年赛会均获得约300多人参与,其中今年度报名截止日期为9月25日。 预知更多详情可联络RevRun(082-459397)、Carp(016-777 8790)或GSK(012-887 0436)。 报名地点为Green Heights Mall的RevRun@Brooks。 同时也可上脸书www. facebook.com/nature challenge游览更多详情。

巴達旺加入捕捉野狗行動 共同對抗狂犬病

巴達旺加入捕捉野狗行動 共同對抗狂犬病

(古晋28日讯)为了共同对抗狂犬病,巴达旺市议会也将如同南市市政局一样于9月1日起,在该议会管辖范围内展开捕捉流浪狗行动。 巴达旺市议会主席罗克强也希望说,在这狂犬病非常时期,全民能一起抗疫,共同对抗狂犬病。同时,他也不忘呼吁及鼓励其他地方政府也能展开类似行动。 罗克强今日在新闻发布会上指出,随着狂犬病的爆发,全民理应都有责任对抗狂犬病,并相信只要大家齐心协力,将能全面抗疫及预防狂犬病蔓延。 他也强调说,该市议会并非喜欢捕捉流浪狗,而是因为狂犬病已严重爆发,故此该议会刻不容缓展开有关行动。 他强调,自狂犬病爆发后,在该市议会管辖范围内,共有4名受害者因狂犬病而离世。 有鉴于此,他希望,不仅地方政府积极展开行动,民众也要全力配合及共同对抗狂犬病。 他劝告,狗主要管好自己的狗,以免逗留或流浪在外,被当局捕捉。同时,狗主每年也必须携带自己的狗注射预防针

市议会并非喜欢捕捉野狗 罗克强:情非得已

市议会并非喜欢捕捉野狗 罗克强:情非得已









28 August 2018

罗克强:歇止狂犬病蔓延. 市会邀全民抗 疫

罗克强:歇止狂犬病蔓延. 市会邀全民抗 疫

(古晋28日讯)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强称,当局并非是“喜欢”捕捉流浪狗,而 是因狂犬病已严重爆发,当局刻不容缓;同时希望在这狂犬病的非常时期,全民 一同抗疫。

(古晋28日讯)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强称,当局并非是“喜欢”捕捉流浪狗,而是因狂犬 病已严重爆发,当局刻不容缓;同时希望在这狂犬病的非常时期,全民一同抗疫。

罗克强今日召开新闻发布会时表示,当局认同古晋南市市政局在9月1日起强制性展开捕捉 流浪狗行动,也会与南市一样,在管辖区范围内展开捕捉流浪狗行动。


“我认为,全民有责任一同对抗狂犬病,只要大家齐心协力,相信能全面抗疫及预防狂犬病 蔓延。”

罗克强今日召开新闻发布会时强调,自狂犬病爆发后,在当局管辖区范围内,共有4名受害 者因病离世。


26 August 2018

罗克强:饲主应负看管责任 . 捉游荡狗 势在必行

罗克强:饲主应负看管责任 . 捉游荡狗 势在必行


 罗克强:饲主应负看管责任 . 捉游荡狗势在必行


罗克强表示,自狂犬病夺取许多人的生命后,人们应要意识到,捕捉流浪狗并不仅是市议 会的责任,而是需要大家的配合。在这非常时期,大家务必抛开成见,以行动支持有关行 动,阻止狂犬病毒持续肆虐。

“一直以来,都是由民众投报后,市议会才会展开捕捉行动。不过,如今的局势已不同,即 使曾经施打疫苗针,也有可能患上狂犬病,所以捕捉流浪狗的行动必须进行。”

提及捕捉流浪狗行动是否会引起一些非政府组织的抗议时,罗克强说,现在不是要针对任 何一方的爱狗者,而是真正为要解决病毒的衍生。

“在其他国家,如新加坡和伦敦等,都很少看到有狗只游荡在外,希望主人要有责任心,将 自家狗儿关在住家范围内,别让它们随意在外。”




(本报古晋25日讯)古晋三哩老巴刹店屋区配合庆祝戊戌年中元节盂兰盛会,于今早举行祭拜仪式。 联邦副贸消部长兼砂希盟主席张健仁、人联党巴都吉当州议员罗克强、公正党巴都林当区州议员施志豪等人也受邀出席参与祭拜。 现场摆满各类水果、食品及汽水等,以便充作今晚用以传统“抢孤”使用。

跟随南市局步伐 巴市会大捕捉流浪狗

跟随南市局步伐 巴市会大捕捉流浪狗







“要知道的是,如今,就连曾被注射疫苗的狗,都有可能染上狂犬病毒 更何况是被流放在外的狗,风险更高。”


23 August 2018

‘Make country inclusive so M’sians will return’

‘Make country inclusive so M’sians will return’ 

Lo Khere Chiang
KUCHING: Issues of equality, equity, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression must be addressed to create an inclusive society before Malaysians overseas can be convinced to return to rebuild the nation, said Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang.
In a statement yesterday, Lo stressed that laws, policies, practices, programmes, and actions that have an impact on diversity in Malaysia need to be addressed as they are significant barriers to progress and development.
While commending Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s call for overseas Malaysians to return and contribute to Malaysia, Lo said serious commitment is required from the government to ensure equal opportunities and treatment to prevent brain drain.
“Despite a fat pay cheque, the cost of living overseas is much higher compared to Malaysia, but then again, we must recognise that it is not as low anymore these days.
“Many graduates choose to remain overseas notably for the good education system, better healthcare, as well as pension and social welfare schemes offered by their adoptive countries,” he said in the press statement.
“Whereas in Malaysia, others could face challenges of being treated unfairly, excluded, and lack of opportunities unless you are a Bumiputera.
“It is a known fact that a non-Bumiputera student with excellent results may not secure a place in local universities, and that
being too vocal or giving harsh criticisms against the government could land people in serious trouble.”
Lo said if Dr Mahathir is serious about preventing serious brain drain in Malaysia, an equal, diverse, and inclusive plan is needed to create a climate that embraces differences and allows full participation of a multicultural society that goes beyond race, ethnicity, gender, and religion.
He said among the barriers that should be removed or policies improved are local university admission, removing special privileges accorded to one race, government subsidised housing for all who qualify regardless of race, equal employment opportunities, good pension scheme, and a strong support system.
“An important issue that should be considered is the freedom to express one’s views without being incarcerated. It is the fear of getting a black eye that sends well-educated, talented, and capable Malaysians scuttling all over the globe,” he said.
The Padawan Municipal Council chairman pointed out many Chinese parents sacrifice much to give their children the best possible education.
“The many students, especially non-Muslims, who studied overseas were able to do so not because Malaysia gave them the chance to do so or that they could afford it, but because they had no choice when no university in Malaysia would take them no matter how good their results were. Chinese parents would sell off their properties, work twice harder, and save to be able to send children off to universities overseas,” he said.
“And now, Dr Mahathir is asking overseas talents and professionals to come back, saying that they owe it to the government and it is time to ‘give back’?”
Lo stressed the New Economic Policy (NEP) implemented during Dr Mahathir’s first 22-year stint as prime minister is regarded by many as unsuitable to this day.
“There are many capable Bumiputeras who work hard and are smart enough to make it on their own.
“Why use the NEP as a crutch to encourage our ‘sons and daughters of the soil’ to sit back because they know they can always expect handouts and bailouts?” he asked.
“Surely, this is not what good parenting is about.
“The government should help and support its citizens according to their needs and not according to race. There are poor people everywhere but they are not all Bumiputeras,” he added.
On Dr Mahathir’s response towards implementing meritocracy in government, Lo said the top post should always go to the best person with excellent leadership.
“Good governance with greater transparency and fairness, abolishing NEP and special privileges for certain groups, and ensuring equal opportunities, and treatment for all races are among the actions needed in the hopes to persuade overseas Malaysian professionals to return,” he suggested.
“Otherwise, who would want to return to a country where top posts are reserved according to Bumiputera status.
“I hope that Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) manifesto is not just a ‘feel good’ manifesto and that our Prime Minister will sincerely do good for all races as promised.”

罗克强:敦马若有诚意解决大马人才流失问题 就该实施公平大学入学制度

另外,在发表不利政府的言论时,很多时候也可能会面对被逮捕的下场。 他说,如果敦马哈迪真有诚意解决马来西亚人才流失的问题,同时吸引外国精英回国服务,他首先必须以行动说服他们,就是实施公平的大学入学制度,而非根据种族肤色;同时不分种族与宗教信仰的分配津贴房屋给符合资格者。
父母日以继夜的勤奋工作,辛辛苦苦赚钱无非是让孩子获得良好的教育。 在敦马哈迪掌政22年期间所实施的新经济政策,一直执行到今天。普遍大马公民都认为这是错误的政策。
今天,国内有许多有能力的土著,他们都勤奋学习和工作,他们都能自力更生。因此为何该要继续的执行让一些人视为可“坐享其成”的政策? 罗克强重申,政府应该根据国人的需要,而非以种族肤色来区分以提供援助。贫穷的国民比比皆是,但并非全是土著啊。 国人会选择到外国深造,是因为政府没有满足他们的需求。

无论他们多么努力用功,考得优异的成绩,但还是无法挤入国内大学 “如今,敦马却说:你是在这个国家长大的…是时候回报自己的国家了!” 在北京的同一个场合上,有与会者提问,新政府是否会任人唯贤,他声称,制度本身并不能完全决定一个人的表现,应该给予第二、第三名达致成功的机会。
罗克强表示不赞同,他披露,在多数的私人机构,高职是留给最好的人才,领袖应该以身作则,社区也应该从中遴选最卓越的人来领导。领袖也应该协助较弱或是较不幸的群体,引导他们并提供他们机会。 如果敦马哈迪希望看到大马留学生回流,他必须首先确保政府施政的透明与公正,废除新经济政策,公平和平等的对待各民族,之后才能有力的说服外国留学生和精英人才回流。否则,谁要回到一个将高职位保留给特定族群的国家? 他希望希望联盟的竞选宣言不是“讲爽”的,首相必须履行承诺,真心诚意的为全体族群和宗教信仰的国民服务。

罗克强:先公平对待各族 俾吸引留学生回流


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