08 May 2024

Taib’s legacy: A privilege for Sarawakians

Taib’s legacy: A privilege for Sarawakians

Datuk Lo Khere Chiang speaking to reporters. Photo: RAMIDI SUBARI


BATU Kitang assemblyman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang paid tribute to the late Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud for being a capable and insightful town builder.
The assemblyman also complimented the late Head of State’s tenacity in pushing his vision and ideals for the state despite facing backlashes from the community.

“I remember those arguments against the late Tun Taib when he first mooted the idea of constructing hydroelectric dams in Sarawak.

“However, he pushed ahead with constructing the dam in Bakun amidst negative criticisms and remarks from the community and Sarawak is realising the benefits of his endeavour today,” Lo said.

He was debating in support of the motion of appreciation to the former Head of State in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly session today.

Lo also recounted the time when the late Head of State was shrewd in guiding the Sarawak away from foreign power interfering with the state’s political affairs.

“The most notable event that I can vividly associate the late Tun Taib is the way he strategically steered UMNO clear from entering Sarawak and paving the way for leaders after him to protect the sanctity of this Dewan,” he said


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