In a press statement, Lo said that the shophouses are privately owned with individual land titles and that Chong should instead advise private shop owners that they are responsible for addressing issues related to their property.
“For instance, if my fencing is about to collapse, I will seek professional advice and spend my own money to repair my fencing. I cannot be asking the council to repair my fencing, can I?
“If there are structural problems with the house, do you expect the council to take care of it, or do you hire professionals to handle the repairs and pay for it? Naturally, one would hire professionals.
“Similarly, YB Chong should assist these shop owners in seeking professional advice and repairing their properties, whether through total or partial demolition or by reinforcing existing structures to address the purported failures,” he said.
Lo pointed out that these are two-storey buildings, not towering structures, and that owners can individually repair their property or collaborate with neighbours to undertake joint renovations.
“My advice to YB Chong is to stop misleading the public and barking up the wrong tree.
“Stop pointing fingers when all you need to do as a responsible YB and MP is to advise private property owners to take charge of their properties and to remedy any structural defects found in their shophouses.” — DayakDaily
Borneo Highlands Resort: Blossoming future awaits as private investors called to participate in revamp initiative
By Karen Bong
KUCHING, April 23: Borneo Highlands Resident Club (BHRC) hopes private investors can participate in the revival of the hotel facility and flower garden at this sole hilltop resort in Sarawak which has been taken over by the State government for redevelopment.
BHRC chairman and Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang reminisced about the once alluring flower garden that featured numerous flower species with larger blooms attributed to its elevated location, which served as a prominent tourist attraction.
Expressing confidence in the potential of the resort to emerge as a thriving tourist hub near Kuching city, he highlighted the pristine natural surroundings of the resort.
“The Land Custody Development Authority (LCDA) entrusted to further develop the resort has a masterplan for it. Although I haven’t seen it, but I believe there will be a wellness centre and a new hotel (in the masterplan).
“I believe a lot of things are being planned to revive the resort. With investments to make the resort into a place where people will come, this place will be vibrant again.
“The Sarawak government has now taken over this whole place and I hope…no, I can see the future of Borneo Highlands Resort is very bright,” he told reporters during the Raya Glamping at Borneo Highlands event last Sunday (April 21).
A sea of clouds over the Penrissen range of Borneo Highlands Resort.
Situated atop the Penrissen Range which straddles the Sarawak-Kalimantan border at 1,000 metres above sea level, the Borneo Highlands Resort is cocooned within one of the world’s oldest and second-largest rainforests, spanning approximately 5,000 acres.
It is a botanical paradise where one can enjoy fresh mountain air, spectacular highland sceneries, and a challenging 18-hole golf course meandering through the natural features of the highland plateau.
Despite its allure, the resort had laid dormant for years following the concessionaire’s failure to fulfill development obligations. However, the once-idle space has found new purpose as a glamping destination, catering to outdoor enthusiasts seeking refuge from the urban hustle of the city.
Campers including children enjoying outdoor activities like kite flying and kayaking in the lake at Borneo Highlands Resort on April 20, 2024.Campers giving kayaking a go in the lake at Borneo Highlands Resort on April 20, 2024.
During the two-day glamping event held over the weekend and organised by Borneo Glamping, tents adorned the green lawn, offering campers a retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, an experience Lo likened to staying in a hotel.
This time, the event also featured a variety of activities tailored for families and children, giving them a chance to unleash their boundless energy, running and playing freely, their laughter mingling with the gentle breeze and chorus of birdsong.
In this haven of outdoor wonders, they flew kites, paddled kayaks on the lake adorned with yet-to-bloom water lilies, and engaged in lively games around a giant soccer ball, filling the air with cheers.
Campers partake in a barbecue session under the stars.Campers, including children, enjoying a makeshift outdoor theatre beneath the moonlight at the glamping event.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, families gathered around the flickering flames of the barbecue fire, indulging in food and drinks and enjoying each other’s company.
As the night deepened, families gathered beneath the moonlight and twinkling stars for a special outdoor movie screening, with some campers even bringing along a portable karaoke for a concert in the forest.
Reflecting on the success of another glamping event, Lo encouraged the organiser to continue hosting similar events, whether for team building or family outings, to allow more people to experience the beauty of the highlands. — DayakDaily
Lo (dua kanan) meyampaikan replika cek dana RTP pembinaan projek jambatan konkrit di Lorong 2, Kampung Tematu kepada Ketua Kaum Kampung Tematu Geofrey Tahang (tiga kiri) hari ini. -Gambar Mohd Faisal Ahmad
Sistem saliran dari kawasan penempatan ke sungai diperlukan bagi tangani isu banjir di negeri ini
Oleh Henrietta Liza
BAU: Sarawak memerlukan sistem saliran dari kawasan penempatan ke sungai yang lebih komprehensif bagi menangani isu banjir yang berlaku di negeri.
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Batu Kitang Dato Lo Khere Chiang berkata, sebuah sistem saliran yang lebih besar dan lurus terus ke sungai mampu mengatasi isu berkenaan.
“Bagi mengurangkan kejadian banjir berlaku di Kuching dan di seluruh Sarawak, sistem saliran yang besar penting agar air dapat dialirkan terus ke sungai,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui pemberita selepas mengadakan lawatan projek dan penyerahan Projek Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTP) di Kampung Tematu di sini, hari ini.
Lo pada masa yang sama turut menegaskan agar setiap individu menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka dengan tidak membuang sisa dan sampah ke dalam sungai sehingga menyebabkan saliran air tersumbat.
“Saya ingin mengingatkan kepada orang ramai dan orang kampung secara amnya supaya tidak membuang sampah di dalam sistem saliran air kita sehingga boleh menyebabkan longkang atau parit tersumbat.
“Begitu juga pihak kontraktor dinasihatkan untuk tidak membuang sisa pembinaan secara haram di merata-rata tempat sehingga menjejaskan alam sekitar.
“Kita dapati banyak sisa pembinaan dibuang secara haram di merata-rata tempat. Sisa-sisa ini akan mengalir ke sungai lalu menyebabkan banjir dan masalah-masalah seumpamanya berlaku,” tegasnya.
Sehubungan itu, beliau turut memuji tindakan Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) kerana sentiasa membantu mengorek longkang di kawasan kampung sekitar DUN Batu Kitang bagi mengelak kejadian banjir.
Lo ketika ditemui pemberita semalam. -Gambar Mohd Faisal Ahmad
“Di sini memang banjir kerana jalan raya akan dinaiki air sungai. Justeru, saya mahu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada JPS kerana membantu mengurangkan kejadian banjir di sini,” jelasnya.
JKKK digalak laksana projek pembangunan, naik taraf dalam sesebuah kawasan perkampungan
Lo (kanan) melihat pelan projek bersama Biro Pembangunan JKKK Kampung Tematu Stephen Jepeng (kiri) dan Ketua Kaum Kampung Tematu Geofrey Tahang (tengah) di atas jambatan konkrit yang baharu di Lorong 2 Kampung Tematu hari ini.
BAU: Projek pembangunan dan naik taraf dalam sesebuah kawasan perkampungan mendapat galakan bagi dilaksanakan oleh Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) kata Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Batu Kitang Dato Lo Khere Chiang hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian, berikutan kejayaan pembinaan projek RTP sebuah jambatan konkrit di Lorong 2 Kampung Tematu di sini yang telah dilaksanakan menggunakan kaedah tersebut.
"Dan saya ingin menggalakkan semua kampung di dalam kawasan saya untuk melakukan perkara yang sama. Modus operandi yang sama, kami akan menyediakan dana RTP.
"Jambatan ini dibina bagi menggantikan jambatan kayu yang telah usang berusia 20 tahun di sini. Selalunya digunakan oleh penduduk kampung bagi menjalankan aktiviti pertanian mereka.
"Bagaimanapun, saya melihat potensi selepas adanya jambatan konkrit bernilai RM70,000 ini maka lebih banyak sektor pertanian dalam kawasan tanah berkeluasan 1,500 ekar ini dijadikan kawasan penanaman padi," katanya.
Lo berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas selesai Majlis Penyerahan Projek RTP di Kampung Tematu, Off Jalan Batu Kitang kepada JKKK Kampung Tematu, pagi tadi.
Maka dengan itu, beliau turut mengusulkan kepada JKKK untuk memohon kepada Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Sarawak bagi pembinaan jalan pertanian sepanjang tiga kilometer.
Tujuannya adalah untuk memperkasakan sosioekonomi penduduk kampung bagi menjalankan aktiviti pertanian secara besar-besaran dan menyokong usaha kerajaan negeri agar Sarawak menjadi bakul makanan Malaysia.
"Kami akan melakukannya. Saya akan pergi bersama JKKK Kampung Tematu untuk berjumpa dengan Jabatan Pertanian bagi membina jalan-jalan pertanian untuk penduduk Kampung Tematu.
"Dan saya berharap dengan tanah yang luas ini, Jabatan Pertanian juga akan membantu penduduk kampung yang berminat untuk penanaman padi. Saya percaya Kampung Tematu boleh melakukannya," tambahnya kemudian.
Projek pembinaan jalan pertanian sepanjang tiga kilometer itu memerlukan dana sekitar RM500,000.
Lo turut berjanji untuk memberi peruntukan tambahan bernilai RM200,000 kepada JKKK Kampung Tematu bagi melaksanakan beberapa projek RTP yang akan dilaksanakan secara bergotong-royong.
Menerusinya, JKKK Kampung Tematu akan menambah baik dewan, jalan perhubungan, longkang, jambatan dan tembok untuk menambah baik kemudahan infrastruktur bagi meningkatkan keselesaan hidup penduduk di sini.
Kpg Tematu’s new concrete bridge to facilitate access to 1,500 acres of agriculture land, says rep
(Front, from left) Lo, Kampung Tematu ketua kaum Geofrey Tahang and others check out the new concrete bridge. – Photo by Mohd Faisal Ahmad
KUCHING (April 22): The recent completion of a concrete bridge at Kampung Tematu here will allow more heavy vehicles to access over 1,500 acres of land across the bridge for agricultural purposes, said Dato Lo Khere Chiang.
Speaking during the symbolic handover of the project today, the Batu Kitang assemblyman said construction began last December and was carried out on a gotong-royong basis by the villagers.
“When the village head met with me previously, I decided to prepare an allocation to construct this concrete bridge to replace the dilapidated wooden bridge that had been in use for over 20 years.
“The old bridge was then demolished to make way for this new one,” he told reporters, adding that RM70,000 under his Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) grant was allocated for the construction of the new bridge.
He also said he will be allocating another RM200,000 in RTP grants to Kampung Tematu for various infrastructure projects.
Meanwhile, Lo said he will work with the Agricultural Department to convert the land across the bridge into a paddy plantation, and will seek to have more roads constructed for ease of transport in the area.
At the same time, he expressed gratitude to the Department of Irrigation and Drainage for periodically flushing the drains in the surrounding areas to minimise the occurrence of floods.
Lo plans to pursue agricultural roads for villagers
MEDIA CONFERENCE... Batu Kitang assemblyman, Datuk Lo Khere Chiang when inspecting the water rope bridge to avoid overflowing flood water in Kampung Tematu, Batu Kitang Kuching yesterday. Photo: Ghazali Bujang
KUCHING: Batu Kitang assemblyman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang will meet with the Agriculture Department soon to discuss the construction of agricultural roads for the people in Kampung Tematu.
He said this following the completion of the newest bridge in the village.
“This is because in Kampung Tematu, there is a vast piece of land (1,500 acres) that is perfect for rice cultivation.
“We will get assistance from the Agriculture Department, in the form of modern equipment to help the people plant the paddy here.
“I believe the people in Kampung Tematu can do it,” he said here on Monday (April 22).
“I believe with this vast piece of land, we will be able to produce rice between two to three times a year,” he added.
On another note, Lo stated that a total of 50 projects under his constituency have been submitted to the Resident Office.
“At the moment, we are still waiting for the office to call for a meeting for us to go through the projects.”
Lo will also allocate another RM200,000 for other projects in Kampung Tematu as well, and he wants it to be conducted on a gotong-royong basis.
“That being said, I would like to encourage the people within my constituency to carry out projects under the same method (gotong-royong).
“We will provide the RTP fund, and come together to manage and construct the projects,” he said.
The construction of the newest bridge through RM70,000 from Lo’s RTP funding began in December last year and completed this month (April).
Lo (left) with co-founder of Borneo Glamping, Awang Saifeluddin at the event.
PADAWAN: Glampers who attended the Raya Glamping on Apr 20 to 21. were mesmerised by the breathtaking backdrop of Borneo Highland.
They were also welcomed by Borneo Highland Resident chairman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang who encouraged more people to come visit the Borneo Highlands for a weekend escapade.
“The Raya Glamping @ Borneo Highlands was jointly organised by Borneo Glamping to celebrate the Hari Raya Aidilftri in the serene beauty of Borneo Highlands.
“Borneo Glamping is known for its proactive stance in organising top-tier glamping events in Sarawak and I applaud their efforts as it is in support of highlighting the allure of Borneo Highlands as a premier tourist destination,” he said.
Lo (left), co-founder of Borneo Glamping, Awang Saifeluddin at the event.
He made these remarks during the official launching of Raya Glamping @ Borneo Highlands on Saturday evening.
Lo said the provision of tents and amenities tailored to the Hari Raya Aidilfitri theme provided glampers with an immersive and unforgettable experience.
He also said the programme garnered support from Tourism Malaysia and Sarawak Tourism Board.
“We would also like to extend our appreciation to Jimisar Autotrade for their logistical support and JQB Asia for their commitment green energy,” he said.
PADAWAN: A masterplan is believed to be in the works to redevelop and revive Borneo Highlands Resort to its glory days.
Chairman of the Borneo Highland Resident Club, Datuk Lo Khere Chiang, believed there is a masterplan in the pipeline for the resort to be revived as an attraction for visitors.
He said the state government has taken over the resort with the Land Custody Development Authority (LCDA) entrusted to make plans on redeveloping the resort in the highlands.
“It is unfortunate the resort did not develop from where it was. It has a golf course and hotels here but it failed to develop as it should.
Datuk Lo Khere Chiang
“However, the state government now has taken over this whole place and, with that, I can see the future of the resort is very bright.”
He said this to the New Sarawak Tribune at the Raya Glamping Event@Borneo Highlands Resort on Sunday morning (Apr 21).
Lo said he would love to see the resort come back to life with its attractions such as the Kalimantan viewpoint and the surrounding flora and fauna.
“We had a nice flower garden before, which was a tourist attraction.
“Because of the cool temperature up here, the flowers are different, they bloom bigger and everything you see seem to be in bigger size.
“It was a tourist attraction back then and I would like to see the flower garden being revived,” said Lo.
The Batu Kitang assemblyman also urged the private sector to come in and invest into Borneo Highlands Resort especially towards improving the attractions here.
“We just need entrepreneurs, people who like flowers to come in and invest to make this business profitable.
“At the same time, we can create an attractive flower garden up in the highlands where everybody can enjoy.”
He noted that the resort is also an attraction for wedding photography, where newlyweds would often take photos against the backdrop of the surrounding nature and beautiful mist in the morning.
“I believe a lot of things are being planned and we just have to go from where we are now and invest in the right place, where people want it and people will come and make this place vibrant again.
“It’s a win-win situation for the investors together with government and this place will be vibrant again like before,” he added.
Lo speaking at the programme. He attributed them to the establishment and activities of various temples that promote discipline and responsibility among youth. “Consequently, the Indian youth in the community are increasingly committed to their studies, resulting in fewer social problems. “Moreover, the emphasis on education has led to the emergence of Indian professionals in various fields such as medicine, law, engineering, and accounting, despite the community’s relatively small size,” he said. He said this during the Hindu Krishnan prayer programme in conjunction with 217th Police Day at the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISCKON Kuching) here last night (Apr 12). Lo also encouraged other communities and associations in Sarawak to emulate the Indian community’s success “I would like to encourage everybody else to follow the good work of the Indian community and at the same time encourage our many associations throughout the state of Sarawak to follow the two examples of the Indian community,” he added. At the event, Lo demonstrated his support for local initiatives by contributing RM1000 to the police association.