18 June 2023

Anti-drugs agency organises training programme

Anti-drugs agency organises training programme

Lo (standing fourth from left) takes a photo with the participants

KUCHING: More than 30 individuals took part in a Drug Free Community Programme called Training-of-Trainer (TOT) organised by the National Anti-drugs Agency Malaysia (AADK) in collaboration with the Batu Kitang Service Centre.

According to a statement released yesterday, the programme involved participation from village heads, neighbourhood leaders (KRT), and community leaders.

It began with an awareness session on drug-related issues and abuse, followed by discussions on community empowerment, assessing risk and protective factors, and creating a community action plan.

The event received support and attention from Batu Kitang assemblyman, Lo Khere Chiang, who attended to show his support for the community in his constituency.


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