16 February 2022

Lo chides Chong over native proposal

Lo chides Chong over native proposal

KUCHING: Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang has chided his Padungan counterpart Chong Chieng Jen over his proposed amendment to the Interpretation (Amendment) Bill, 2022.

He said that Chong was a very irresponsible person to raise such a suggestion.

“We are not natives of Sarawak, we have to accept the fact that we are not native of Sarawak.

“But we are citizens of Sarawak, we share the same IC and receive allocations from the government.

“So, most importantly, whether we are native or not native in Sarawak, we are all citizens, born, live and die here,” he told reporters when met at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Complex on Tuesday.

Lo said it was important to recognise and respect the natives of Sarawak.

Earlier, Chong had proposed an amendment to the Bill under Standing Order 50 (4) and 54 whereby, “Clause 2 of the Bill be amended by inserting immediately after the word ‘Vaie’ in the new line, the words ‘Chinese, Indian, or any race not stated herein and the person of which race is born in Sarawak and whose natural parents or either or one the natural parents is also born in Sarawak.”

Commenting further, Lo said that Chong already had a big house, was rich and questioned what more he wanted.

“Do you want to be native of Sarawak just to take the inheritance of Sarawak? I don’t think you need to, you are rich enough,” he said.

In Sarawak, he added the people have been living in peace and harmony and this must be preserved.

“So, what Chong proposed, I do not agree,” he said.


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