30 September 2018

7哩 杨国斯路通峇都吉当 . 首长拨150万装路灯

7哩 杨国斯路通峇都吉当 . 首长拨150万装路灯


峇都吉当区州议员兼巴达旺市议会主席罗克强透露,首长拿督巴丁宜阿邦 佐哈里已批准150万令吉拨款,充作杨国斯路至峇都吉当,及7哩至峇都吉当桥道路安装路 灯工程。

他指出,巴达旺市议会已收到首长的拨款,并于9月6日致函砂电力局展开安装路灯 程。同时,他从选区拨款中,拨出10万令吉维修新梯头桥梁及额外10万令吉兴建新梯头新路及安装路灯。

罗克强昨晚在新梯头中华公学创校100周年校庆晚宴上致词时,也承诺会协助该校兴建新厕 所。

罗克强强调,华教非常重要,随着中文地位提升,友族家长也 孩子送进华校接受教育。

他表示,砂拉越根本无需宏愿学校,联邦政府只需要尽心尽力搞好现有的国小、华小及淡 米尔小学,以免两头不到岸。

他希望联邦政府拨出更多拨款予华小,改善华小设施,吸引各族学生报读,这远比开办宏 愿学校更为实际有效。

星洲日报/砂拉越 · 2018.09.30

28 September 2018

The truth about rabies – a much-needed wakeup call

The truth about rabies – a much-needed wakeup call

The rabies vaccine does not offer full protection so regardless of whether you are vaccinated, if bitten, you still need to wash the wound throughly and seek immediate medical attention.
IT HAS been over a year since the outbreak of rabies in Sarawak, and our situation has only worsened as the deadly virus continues to spread wider and wider into our state.
Since the official declaration of a rabies epidemic on July 1, 2017, Sarawak has identified and declared a total of 41 areas in the state to be rabies infected areas.
The rabies virus, spread predominantly through dogs, is currently one of the worst epidemics our state has ever faced and has officially claimed 12 lives so far.
To mark World Rabies Awareness Day, The Borneo Post has teamed up with Sarawak Health Department and members of the local Dog Bite clinic in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) to help deliver a message to the public in hopes of raising awareness of the deadly virus – how to protect ourselves against it and the appropriate steps to take in an event of a dog bite.
What do I do in the event of a dog bite?
Already one year down the road in the rabies outbreak, you would think most of us know the appropriate steps to take in the event of an animal bite.
Crowds of people rushing into the SGH’s dog bite clinic after it was opened.
This does not seem to be the case as Dr Chua Hock Hin and Dr Ooi Mong How who both head the dog bite clinic in Sarawak General Hospital shared that many cases during this trying time, indicate many Sarawakians are still very ignorant on how they should manage and look after themselves after an animal bite.
“From our side, we often see poor wound washing by our patients or delayed treatment as they do not come to the hospital to seek treatment.
“During this critical time, it is imperative that anyone who is bitten by a dog or cat should properly wash their wound immediately before heading to the nearest healthcare facility for further washing and treatment,” Dr Chua advises.
Adding to this, Dr Ooi who is a paediatrician, advises that parents or adults, tasked with washing the bite wounds of a child, not to be swayed by the crying of the child.
“At one point, we picked up that our children patients were not receiving proper wound washing right after a bite because the parents could not bear to wash the wound properly due to their child’s crying.
“Washing a fresh wound is bound to be very painful for anyone, so parents tend to compromise and perform a ‘half-hearted’ washing as they are afraid of causing more pain to the child. This is not a very good idea because it places the child’s life at risk.”
Explaining the importance of a thorough wound washing, Dr Chua, who specialises in infectious diseases, explains the rabies virus is found in the saliva of infected animals, hence immediate and thorough washing of the wound is extremely important to reduce the number of virus particles at the wound site.
A young child having her wound treated after an attack by a dog.
“After washing one round, they should head to a healthcare facility immediately to have the wound washed once more to ensure that thorough washing of at least 15 minutes has been performed and to assess whether further treatment is needed.
“Considering how serious the current outbreak of rabies is, I recommend heading to public healthcare facilities as they are more geared towards treating dog bites and have designated clinics for it,” Dr Chua adds.
These designated areas are dog bite clinics, quickly put together over the past year, to cope with increasing dog bite victims in Sarawak.
Right now, there are a total of six clinics in Sarawak, located at SGH, Serian Hospital, Bau Hospital, Klinik Kesihatan (KK) Sri Aman, Sarikei Hospital and KK Midlayar which is near the Betong.
Finite supply of medication and what we can do to help
All of these clinics are supplied with rabies vaccines to treat animal bite victims but only the clinic at SGH is equipped with Rabies Immunoglobin (RIG), reserved for only high-risk patients.
“RIG’s function is to help bridge the gap between rabies vaccination and the onset of an adequate antibody response from the human body and is only reserved for high-risk patients because it is in very short supply.
“It is not a synthetic thing that can be mass-produced, so the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendation is we reserve it only for specific high-risk cases. Otherwise we would end up with zero supply and have to rely solely on vaccines for all cases,” Dr Ooi explains.
Locally, cats have been picked up to be positive for rabies, indicating how widespread the infection has become.
As rabies vaccines and RIG are in limited supply, both Dr Chua and Ooi advise everyone to avoid preventable bites for their own safety while helping the state maintain enough medication to treat all animal bite victims.
“Many cases we see are caused by preventable bites. For example, we have patients who were bitten because they provoked the animal by petting it while it was eating or they tried to separate animal  fights, feed a pack of hungry dogs, handle the animals roughly or place themselves in precarious situations with suspected rabid animals.
“These patients are treated like everyone else and it places a strain on our medication stocks as we are also treating patients with non-preventable wounds – victims who are randomly attacked because a dog or a cat has gone rabid.
“So, to ensure these precious resources are used judiciously, everyone should make sure they do not place themselves or  their families at risk unnecessarily by avoiding areas with large number of free-roaming dogs and watching children closely as they may provoke animals by hitting or playing roughly with them.
“Additionally, never adopt dogs or cats without a clear idea of their backgrounds as they might already be harbouring the virus. Even new-born animals could have the virus as they may obtain it from their mother,” Dr Ooi elaborates.

What can we do to curb the outbreak of rabies?
With so much said and done, the reality remains that the rabies outbreak is still raging and we need to start taking drastic steps to help curb the outbreak and prevent it from spreading further in the state.
According to Dr Ooi, the path to a rabies-free Sarawak is a multi-pronged approach where everyone has a part to play in changing our mindsets and methods in dealing with dogs.
“As citizens of the state, we need to change our mindsets as responsible pet owners. If we continue to let our dogs roam freely, then there will always be a chance the dogs might get infected and harbour the rabies virus. Owners should make sure their dogs are kept inside their gates and leashed when taken out for walks and exercise.
Owners should make sure their dogs are kept inside their gates and leashed when they are taken out for walks and exercise.
“Owners should also be encouraged to start neutering their pets if they do not want to breed them as we often see some irresponsible owners abandoning their unwanted pets on the streets rather than surrendering them, hence adding to the growing number of strays.
“We need to start educating everyone,especially our children,on the consequences of such callous action so that the young can grow up to be responsible and good pet owners.”
To the relevant authorities, Dr Chua advocates stricter guidelines and enforcement for dog ownership.
“Right now, we do not enforce very strict licensing of dogs, so it is hard to even tell if a dog has been vaccinated or neutered. With stricter licensing, we can help ensure dogs with owners are protected.With stricter enforcement, we can help encourage responsible pet ownership throughout the state.
“For the sake of our children, every Sarawakian should put aside their differences and work together towards the common goal of making Sarawak a rabies-free state again,” Dr Chua stresses.


Rabies myths

Only dogs carry the rabies virus
Dr Chua: While the natural reservoir of hosts for the rabies virus is in dogs, it is not true that only dogs carry the virus as the virus can infect any living mammals. In previous cases in the peninsula, only dogs have been recorded to be affected but this is not the case in Sarawak. Locally, we have come across cats that are positive for rabies and this is likely due to the virus being so widespread that it has spilled over from our dog population into our cat population. Right now, every one in four cats and every one in three dogs we send off for testing comes back positive for rabies. This implies a very extensive outbreak, so we cannot let our guard down against the potential chance of exposure to the virus.

I have had a rabies vaccine before, so I am safe the virus
Dr Chua: Many people have started to seek rabies vaccines before being bitten by an animal lately, so it is a huge concern that some have a misconception they are safe from any and all bites. While vaccinations are a great way to prevent a person from getting infected by viruses, it is important to understand the rabies vaccines you obtain pre-emptively before any injury, does not mean you do not have to do anything later on if you happen to get bitten. The vaccine does not offer full protection so regardless of whether you’ve had a vaccine beforehand or not, after receiving a bite, you will still need to follow the measures outlined by the World Health Organisation to wash your wounds for 15 minutes with soap and running water and then seek immediate medical attention to get a booster shot and possibly further treatment depending on your health status.

With swift medical attention, rabies is 100 per cent preventable
Dr Ooi: The standard treatment for a dog bite wound after thorough washing is to give the patient rounds of rabies vaccine to help them mount an immune response to the virus. However, the efficacy of this treatment is highly dependent on how severe the dog bite is and where it is located.
Bites to our head and neck region post a higher risk as compared to bites to our hands and legs because our head and neck region is highly innervated with a lot of nerves. There is a higher chance the virus may be directly inoculated to these nerves and reach the brain, causing the patient to develop symptoms of rabies faster. But even if the bite is localised to hands or feet, there is still a danger of developing rabies symptoms if the bite is deep with direct injury to the nerves, albeit at a slower rate. Some people are just not responsive to the vaccine and underlying medical issues like uncontrolled diabetes and other chronic diseases may supress the body’s immune function and prevent the rabies vaccine from helping to mount an adequate immune response to the virus.
Because of this, it is very important that diabetic patients take extra care in their exposure to potential bites from rabid animals. And if you suspect you might be diabetic, it would be good to have yourself checked quickly as diabetes is very rampant in our population with many Malaysians living unaware that they are afflicted with the disease. Even the RIG is not 100 per cent effective because it is injected to the muscle so it does not work on the virus that has been directly deposited in the nerves.

I am free from rabies after I have no developed symptoms
Dr Ooi: Most patients develop rabies symptoms between two and three months after a rabid dog bite, and if the patient remains healthy after a year, the likelihood of developing rabies is greatly lowered. However, this may not always be the case for everyone as the virus can potentially stay in your body for many years, just waiting to strike. The longest incubation period ever recorded was about 20 years. On this point, you can say ignorance is a blessing as some of our more educated and well-read patients end up developing mental health issues as they constantly worry that they might have rabies. While it might be a depressing, I think it is important to highlight this fact because after seeing dog bite patients for the last 14 months, we have come to realise people are taking this matter far too lightly. They assume they will be fine after receiving proper treatment but this is clearly not the case as there is still risk in developing rabies symptoms. Hence, we should be providing our community with proper and accurate information on the rabies virus to allow them to think about rabies more seriously and hopefully reduce their risks of exposure to the virus.

There have been fewer reports of rabid dogs found. The outbreak is dying out
Dr Ooi: It is true we have seen fewer official reports of dogs, testing positive for rabies recently, but this is not due to the situation having improved. Rather this is because of the laboratory testing approach, adopted by the veterinarian department. You see, we only picked up on our epidemic quite late through human cases and as result, the infection was already very widespread when we declared a rabies outbreak. And adding to that, we are very used to letting our own dogs roam freely in our neighbourhoods. While dogs are territorial animals, their moving range is around 10km, which means they are able to mix easily with other free roaming dogs that might be infected, leading to the virus spreading quickly and deeply into our dog populations despite our best efforts at containing it. So, in theory, with the outbreak being so widespread, we do not sample dogs found within a 10km radius of where a rabid dog was previously found. We just have to assume they are actually infected with the virus already. We cannot afford to test every dog because of the overwhelming number of samples that are sent to the veterinarian department. To test every dog will require massive amounts of resources. Another challenge we face in this outbreak is that the laboratory testing these samples is in the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) in Ipoh. So we face the issues of transportations as well.

Vaccinated dogs are absolutely safe
Dr Chua: Just like in humans, the rabies vaccine will not be 100 per cent effective in all dogs as some dogs may not mount an immune response towards rabies. This is a known fact in any vaccination, be it for human or animal. There is always a chance they might still be infected despite being already vaccinated. The vaccine for dogs lasts only one year and takes four weeks after receiving to work. So vaccinated dogs still remain susceptible to rabies infection if they are exposed to the virus before they are able to mount an immune response. And for dogs already infected, receiving a rabies vaccine will not stop them from becoming rabid and may, instead, accelerate the development of rabies symptoms in the dogs. So, owners should be wary of this fact even after their dogs have received vaccinations.

24 September 2018

DVS: A must for dogs to receive booster injection against rabies

DVS: A must for dogs to receive booster injection against rabies

KUCHING: Dog owners in the state especially those living in rabies-infected areas are required to send their pets for a booster injection each year until Sarawak is declared rabies-free.
To-date, 36 areas in six divisions in the state have been declared to be rabies-infected areas — Kuching (five), Kota Samarahan (three), Serian (22), Sri Aman (three), Betong (one) and Sarikei (two)—since the start of the outbreak last year.
According to Dr Jackie Peter from the Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVS), it is mandatory for dogs to receive their booster injection at least one year after the primary rabies vaccination.
“The dog owners always thought that primary injection is for life. This is totally false,” Jackie told The Borneo Post yesterday.
According to him, it is also important for dog owners to understand that dogs which are kept inside the house, must also receive the annual booster.
“In fact, all dogs whether they are living outdoors or indoors need to have rabies vaccination. This is especially so in rabies- infected areas,” reminded Jackie, adding that the booster is compulsory to ensure high immunity against the disease.
Touching on the decreasing number of dogs at their mass vaccination programme, Jackie said most owners are opting to send their dogs to private vets to obtain the rabies vaccination.
The primary rabies vaccinations this year, he added, are also mostly administered on puppies that are above three months old.
Meanwhile, the next mass vaccination will be held at Kampung Stenggang, Bau on Sept 29 and Pekan Tondong, Bau on Sept 30.
Both programmes, according to DVS, will include a free briefing on rabies, exhibitions and registration for dog licence.
Pet owners who intend to send their dogs for the rabies vaccination or annual booster at both locations are required to bring along their identification card.
Areas which are declared to be rabies-infected in Kuching are Lorong 11, Batu 5, Jalan Semaba, the Sungai Maong Wet Market, Kampung Serikin, Taman Alamanda Indah Matang and Kampung Selarat Sematan (Lundu district).
In Samarahan division, the areas are Kampung Sampun Gerunggang (Asajaya), Simunjan Market, Kampung Gawang Empili (Simunjan).
In Serian, the areas are Kampung Kerait, Kampung Paon Rimu, Kampung Paon Rimu Bakong, Kampung Remun, Kampung Lebor, Kampung Seroban, Kampung Tangga, Kampung Ampungan, Kampung Mentong Berawan, Mentong Silaga, Kampung Engkabang, Kampung Tampek Sumpas, Kampung Rasau, Siburan Town, Serian Town, Mile 45 Kuching-Serian road, Kampung Temong Mura, Kampung Entubuh, Kampung Kuala Jalan Gedong, Kampung Telagus Serian, Ladang Masranti (Telagus) and Kampung Mapu Kijabu.
In Sri Aman, the areas which are declared to be affected are Rh Janta in Punggu Mawang, Rh Lanchum in Sg Tenggang and the Golden Fame Oil Palm Plantation in Pantu.
In Sarikei, the two areas that have been declared rabies-infected are SMK Julau No. 2 and KM 0.2, Jalan Jakar/Sebangkoi, Jakar.
So far, only one area in Betong — the Layar junction area — has been declared rabies-infected.

20 September 2018








13 September 2018

罗克强:有困难为何不说? 商贩指责无 中生有

罗克强:有困难为何不说? 商贩指责无 中生有

(古晋13日讯)巴达旺市议会主席罗克强声称向政府征地兴建批发市场事宜为无 中生有,并对晋汉省批发商公会未道出实情感到失望及痛心。





而且他从一开始就一直帮忙批发商公会,不曾推卸任何责任,也顺利申请一片地段,然而到最后他 们却没有把一些真正情况说出来,这样做法真让他感到无比失望与痛心。

星洲日报/砂拉越 · 2018.09.13

07 September 2018

Lo presents laptops, printers to vilagers

Lo presents laptops, printers to vilagers

By : Desmond Markus Posted on : Thursday, September 7, 2017 Local News

10/27/2018 Lo presents laptops, printers to vilagers | New Sarawak Tribune

According to Lo, this is to encourage the Kampung folks with no equipment access to empower and drive themselves towards a digital economy Sarawak.

“The laptops could help the kampung folks to get more information as well as enhancing their knowledge and skills with regards to information and communication technology (ICT). I believe strongly that ICT literacy can improve the income and livelihood of the people,” Lo pointed out.

And being able to present the laptop to both Kampungs during Hari Raya Aidiladha really brings out more joy on this special occasion.

“It means something to the kampung and even greater to me. It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.

“Hopefully there is no more struggling over social interaction and we can integrate through technology,” he said.

Lo called on the people in Batu Kitang constituency to make full use of the Internet and modern communication gadgets in business, employment, marketing and other socio economic fields to support our Chief Minister, Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg’s vision of a Digital Economy, producing a sustainable income society in the future.


胶东在线8月31日讯(通讯员 郑义) 8月30日下午,烟台市委副书记、市长张永霞在东方海天酒店会见马来西亚巴达旺市议会主席罗克强一行。副市长张代令参加会见。



06 September 2018

State adopting multipronged approach to tackle rabies in the long-term

State adopting multipronged approach to tackle rabies in the long-term

September 6, 2018

KUCHING, Sept 6: The state government’s long term efforts to curb the rabies outbreak in Sarawak, amongst others, will have to include microchipping, vaccinating and making it compulsory for dog owners to obtain licences for their pets.

According to the director of the Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVSS) Dr Adrian Susin, his department along with the local councils were now implementing the directive by the State Disaster Management Committee under its chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas to tackle the issue heads on.

“DVSS will cooperate with the local councils to implement vaccinating, registration such as microchipping and making it compulsory for dog owners to obtain licences for their pets as a long­term plan to curb the spread of rabies in Sarawak,” Dr Adrian told DayakDaily here today.

As a mid­term plan, DVSS, State Health Department and the councils have been reaching out to people in all the divisions so as to educate them on the danger of rabies.

“This includes outreach programmes in all divisions which have not been affected such as Limbang, Miri, Bintulu and Kapit. The councils have also assisted us in tackling stray dogs in these areas,” he said.

Concurrently, Dr Adrian said, DVSS is focusing on and will continue containing the disease in Serian Division where it was first detected in July last year.
Dr Adrian Susin Ambud.

“At the same time, on every Saturday, we will carry out free vaccination services for pet dogs in the affected areas especially here in Kuching and Kota Samarahan. Whereas Sri Aman, Betong and Sarikei are currently carrying vaccination at the affected areas,” he said.

When contacted, Assistant Minister of Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil said he was very disappointed with irresponsible reports by certain individuals on social media which have painted a negative picture of the role of the councils.

“Lest the people forget, the Ministry of Local Government and 20 district councils in Sarawak were successfully certified under MS ISO 9001: 2015 standards on December 15, 2015, and became the first in Malaysia to be awarded with the MS ISO 9001:2015.”

The scope of certification includes solid waste management; library services; licensing; enforcement of laws and regulations of local authorities; valuation and referencing; management of office; monitoring of development projects; maintenance of infrastructures and public facilities; building control; human resources management; inspectorate and development project management in the local authorities.

Penguang pointed out that the people should not make the councils as punching bags and blame them for everything especially concerning stray dogs.
“What we need is a society where everyone plays their role. In the fight against rabies, everyone especially dog owners must cooperate with the councils and relevant authorities on how best to curb the rabies outbreak,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, when contacted, both the mayor of Kuching South City Council Dato James Chan and Padawan Municipal Council chairman Lo Khere Chiang stressed that the councils which they headed have been doing all they could in assisting the relevant authorities to curb the spread of rabies by removing unvaccinated stray dogs from populated areas. — DayakDaily

03 September 2018



活动上,马振轩会长代表公共外交文化交流中心向罗克强主席颁发证书,罗克强主席受聘担任中心高级顾问。(文/公共外交网记者 李捷 摄影 文杰)

Catherine Gabriel is Sarawak Ethnic Queen 2018

Catherine Gabriel is Sarawak Ethnic Queen 2018 

KUCHING: Catherine Gabriel Lee was crowned as ‘Sarawak Ethnic Queen 2018’ at a hotel here on Sept 1.
The other finalists were Trisha Camilla Joe, Michelle Gromeko, Asnida Roslan, Fiorenzie Dayang Jacob, Viviana Lin Winston, Joedie Vieenieeda Josly and Oaisis Norun Favian, The first runner up was Michelle while Oaisis was the second runner-up.
The top three winners of the contest automatically become Go Go Green ambassadors to promote the importance of recycling.
Other subsidiary titles that were awarded included ‘Miss Popular’ won by Oaisis, ‘Miss Photogenic’ (Fiorenzie), Miss Congeniality (Trisha), ‘Miss Best Cat Walk’ (Viviana) and Miss Talent (Asnida).
The ‘Best Costume Presentation’ and ‘Miss Art, Culture and Heritage’ titles were both won by Joedie.
The pageant was organised by Go Go Green, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that aims to create awareness on the harmful effects of using plastic materials and promote a more sustainable way of living.
“Plastic is very harmful to mother nature and takes about 200 to 1000 years to decompose” said Go Go Green chairman Nancy Chew in her welcoming speech.
SUPP Youth secretary Milton Foo said the many ethnic groups truly reflect the uniqueness and diversity of Sarawak’s demographics.
“Sarawak has about 40 sub ethnic groups with its own distinct language and culture” Foo said.
He was representing Minister for Local Government and Housing Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian at the event.
Meanwhile, Sarawak Ethnic Queen founder and Go Go Green vice chairman Peter Teo said that only the top three winners of any local traditional beauty contests were qualified to audition for this pageant.
He added that the organiser plans to bring this event to national and international levels in the future.
Teo disclosed that Go Go Green will be holding a charity run at the end of the year.
During the event, Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) Councillor Shirley Pui, on behalf of MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang presented a cheque for RM2,000 to Go Go Green.